Steve, serious question. What would make you feel “whole” in life. Be honest.
For years, I thought being a pro gambler would make me happy. After years of lying to myself on how to get there, I began to focus on real life goals. Be honest what makes you happy. Then look and see people that have obtained similar goals. Take a page out of their playbook.
As crazy as it sounds, I owe my present “success” to realizing what is bullshit abd what is reality.
This is going to be a long answer that I will get back to you on this weekend, that'll help me decompress from all that's going on right now so that'll be cool.
It involves helping people, success, love, loyalty and all that kind of stuff.
Bono helped end apartheid. I'm sure I'll never be a rock star, but morally - that kind of thing.
Helping the world (and most importantly people that have helped me and along the way, in every facet).
You have to succeed before you can really help people and to be honest - I haven't done that. I've always done it a bit and then fucked it all up - usually with alcohol.
Steves weened and is now cold turkey done.
Maybe when my life changes I'll drink some but I can't do what I need to do to succeed while being an alky. Certainly respect those who do - I can't; and I should have learned that long ago. One drink turns into 20 in like 2 hours then then it's 174 time. Fight Club is in my opinion the best movie ever.
It can't be your life, lol.
Funny but actually not funny unless you're a UFC Fighter or something like that.