Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Don't wearout your hat Mr.Monkey. The Canadian punks learned a valuable lesson that year. And got their ass kicked many times after by the greatest hockey team ever. :up:

and see avatar
I am generally fairly pleased with my brain but every once in awhile it lets me down.

My brain is a big believer in planning ahead - and I support my brain in that belief. So I have something going on tomorrow morning so I put some stuff I will need in the car. Rather than waiting until morning and hoping I remember, I did it now while I was thinking of it. No downside to sticking it in there now - so I did. It's done.


But then I realized that I may have some time to kill during my day tomorrow so it would be nice to have a newspaper. So I went to buy tomorrow's newspaper so I could stick it in the car and have it ready.

It doesn't work that way.
I'm going to pick up wings and beer in a little while and then I will prepare said wings. Then I will eat them while I watch Sons of Anarchy. Debating on brand of beer. 30 pack of M Lite would be easy to slip in the fridge but I have been craving something more robust.
Missed opportunity.

There is some construction taking place on a parking lot across from my balcony and just now I looked out my window and there was a big taped off section with CAUTION and KEEP OFF signs - and there was a dog standing right in the middle of it with his tail wagging.

It would have made a great pic but by the time I got sorted out and ready to snap it, the dog had moved on.

But you can use your imagination and picture it. Pretty good picture, right?