Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Might as well say, "women are hot".

No. I’m on a dating app and I can say with certainty I’m way more attracted to the Jewish women I’m seeing on the app. Way more than all the Cubans, Venezuelans, plain Jane Southerners etc etc etc.

*on the App it clearly states they are Jewish

I totally get that other guys might disagree.

The Jewish gravitational pull for me is STRONG right now, pal. And it came out of nowhere.
Guys, focus.

We’re just talking about how hot Jewish women are. We don’t care about surnames and Moms etc.
While I've found some Jew broads attractive physically most are annoying as fuck. Yes I said it, Jew broads are annoying.

I remember being at Disney in Orlando with my brother sometime in the 90's and we were waiting in line for something and all I could here was the nasally sounding annoying Jew broad with the thick NY accent in front of us blabbing incessantly about something she was unhappy with. Wouldn't shut up, so annoying I still remember it decades later.
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How the fuck does everyone forget the fugly Barbara Streisand
I haven't.
