Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I was golfing in my old neighborhood park, because it's free during a beautiful Nov weekend

an crazy old bearded dude came walking right into my line with binos for a few mins, I patiently wait, and check some scores on my phone.

He walks over to tell me about some exciting hawk that has a nest in the tree, His son saw it last weekend but he hasn't yet and asked if I saw it. I let him know I never really notice shit like that. But I ask him why he picks this park in the middle of the city.

He tells me about how his son found some rare ass south american bird in this park a few years back and it made big news. I look it up on my phone while he's talking, sure enough there is an article about it. The dude's last name is Gyllenhall. so I ask him any relation. Yep He's Jake and Maggie's Gyllenhaal's uncle.

it's a very basic looking bird

but people were flying in from all over the country to come see this damn thing

but yeah, Maggie's chin is too soft or something