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Random thoughts

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the 10% thing. You'll have to make that clearer to me.
Meaning these people main reason for holding part of a city hostage wasn't Black Lives Matter!

Again, what? I honestly still have no idea what you're saying. Because they are a 10% minority this isn't about them? I'm just guessing that you're saying something like that, but that would be a weird thing to say. If you could clarify once more...

I think it's atrocious the lack of opportunity that a huge portion of Americans are born into.
Really! Well when people have kids (who shouldn't) who are selfish in thinking of themselves and not having a together family upbringing, who's at fault for less opportunites, the fuking parents!!!

If you think kids from "together" families in impoverished minority neighborhoods have anything approaching equal educational opportunities to their middle class white counterparts, I think you should do some more research.

But if you want to make it about single parent households, I just have a hard time comprehending the "sorry kid, your parents suck" attitude. It would make me a lot prouder to be an American if there was a minimum guaranteed opportunity for success for every kid here, even those unlucky enough to have a bad family situation. It would probably be better for the economy, too. There's so much opportunity thrown away on people who never really had much of a chance because of what they were born into.

Even if you do want to blame the parents, which I think is a dubious argument, we're taking about kids. It's not their fault. Don't you feel a little cold-hearted with this attitude?

Terrible inequality of education combined with way too much focus on incarceration leads to very few options.
LOL! I'm not removed from Camden, NJ! You will see the leadership of that city's schools had to be taken over by the state of NJ because they squandered the money given to them! Combination of being corrupt/clueless!

I think we're on the same side here. Fix broken schools. I never said throw money at a broken system. Throw money where it works. If that means the state taking over, great. Give the kids a chance.

I couldn't hardly be further removed from their experiences so I'll trust in their leadership as to what changes might lead to some sort of success.
You do know Seattle just like most major US cities have been run by liberal Dem leadership for years (decades)! So how long are you going to trust their leadership can get it right, 2030!

I wasn't taking about democratic leadership. I was talking about listening to the community leaders that are asking for changes.
MrX, I guess we agree to disagree, FOREVER! I think most of what your saying is BS but we all have our opinions!! Typical liberal type like lots of talk but no action to back it up! These days people get in trouble for what they say, but off the hook for what they do! Doesn't make sense to me! :hattip:

Comes down to what Casper posted eariler, excuses and justifications is the age we live in!
If you think kids from "together" families in impoverished minority neighborhoods have anything approaching equal educational opportunities to their middle class white counterparts, I think you should do some more research.

But if you want to make it about single parent households, I just have a hard time comprehending the "sorry kid, your parents suck" attitude. It would make me a lot prouder to be an American if there was a minimum guaranteed opportunity for success for every kid here, even those unlucky enough to have a bad family situation. It would probably be better for the economy, too. There's so much opportunity thrown away on people who never really had much of a chance because of what they were born into.

Even if you do want to blame the parents, which I think is a dubious argument, we're taking about kids. It's not their fault. Don't you feel a little cold-hearted with this attitude?

MrX, okay I will agree with you that we had more educational opportunities, though I can't remember what grade I learned stealing from other people and destroying what's not yours isn't right! Old now but my guess maybe my parents were behind it? And if only a mom or dad probably still would have had it instilled in me! I know we're talking about kids and don't see them in the video, but those in the video were kids at one time! I wonder how many people a 55" TV can feed? :dunno:

PS Not cold-hearted in the least but no doubt I feel for the kids that they have fuked up parent(s)!!!
MrMonkey in the last 30 days have there been a day where you don't tune in to a cable news channel?

Just a few! Tell me the factual posts I have posted here that aren't true?

Here's a question for you! Do you think voter ID should be required to cast a ballot? BOTH sides complaining about voter fraud, so makes sense to me! What about you?
MrX, okay I will agree with you that we had more educational opportunities, though I can't remember what grade I learned stealing from other people and destroying what's not yours isn't right! Old now but my guess maybe my parents were behind it? And if only a mom or dad probably still would have had it instilled in me! I know we're talking about kids and don't see them in the video, but those in the video were kids at one time! I wonder how many people a 55" TV can feed? :dunno:

PS Not cold-hearted in the least but no doubt I feel for the kids that they have fuked up parent(s)!!!

If you don't provide not only educational opportunity but other activities for youth, they're going to find ways to get by. Regardless of how much their parents instill in them, if they live in a "poor" community (because that's what they can afford) where there is a high crime rate and they have little/no other opportunities, there's an increased chance that they do what others are doing to make money. Parents might not want their child to go that route, but that's what they're surrounded by. How many times have you seen a high school kid blow off their parents because of what their friends are doing?

If the same child (same community with the crime rate) has a better education and a place where they can go that provides with with something else, whether it's another skill, mentoring, extracurricular - that child has more of a chance to do better. Colleges are actually going to pay attention to the test scores because, go figure, now they're better because they have a higher quality education.

That video from Walmart really interests me. There's a psychological term that many have heard called "mob mentality" which could fit that.
Just a few! Tell me the factual posts I have posted here that aren't true?

Here's a question for you! Do you think voter ID should be required to cast a ballot? BOTH sides complaining about voter fraud, so makes sense to me! What about you?

You shouldn't fight with your son over these asshole politicians and asshole corporations, all they want to do is manipulate emotions for control and profit. We don't matter, but family, nah man.
Name some things the liberal Dems have accomplished the last 3.5 years? Wasted time for the most part with devious lies on getting rid of the President 24/7! I would have taken the loss and concentrate on 2020! Don't worry, plenty of mail-in ballots going out so Biden might actually have a chance!
It's a race to see who can scam the people first. The anti Trumpsters are 10× more idiotic
than the other side. Total disgrace with all that stuff.
But you know, we can't have large numbers of people living in poverty being harassed by police, or in prison. That has to change.
If a few Wal-Mart's get vandalized, that's a small price to pay.
The so called liberals are at least as much to blame for the state of things. They have worked to co-opt and profit off every movement for positive change. Now that they are in danger of losing their status as privileged hacks, they are throwing everything possible at the President.
So I wouldn't equate the "liberal" slime in power to oppressed peoples. Although they will try to use them to their benefit always.
Teela, I hear you and do you know you has controlled the US major cities where the poverty exists? The Liberal Dems for the most part! Chicago has been controlled by Democrats since 1933! Know what,104 people shot this weekend including 12 kids! We know George Floyd's name but any reporting on the two 3yr old kids killed? Where's the outrage?

Black on black crime is getting no attention by the media! All the sports and celebrities who spew so much politically correct BS to look good! Talk is cheap, Drew Brees donated 5,000,000 to the people of New Orleans!

Education opportunities please, Baltimore, a city with one of the greatest amount of money spent for education and poor results! Controlled by who, that's right, last Republican mayor 1967! I can go on and on! Yes, it's a disgrace the condition that people have to live in our major cities and especially young children who have no control!

So Teela, money being spent but no adequate return on the dollar! You might as well call this black on black kids not mattering! Hate Trump all you want for what he says, but guy's actions is scaring all Dems and enough Repubs that their game might be over! Vote Trump but more importantly vote Repubs and see where the chips fall, it's only 4 more years!
You shouldn't fight with your son over these asshole politicians and asshole corporations, all they want to do is manipulate emotions for control and profit. We don't matter, but family, nah man.

My father is such a foaming at the mouth radical liberal that he is currently not speaking to me because I told him CNN is a political vehicle and not a reputable news broadcasting network.

And he knows I hate Trump!

It’s unbelievable, boys.