Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Can't say what will happen down the road but today gas was $2.11 a gallon! Lowest it's been in a quite awhile! Wasn't it supposed to go in the opposite direction? Maybe it will! Or maybe CNN or MSNBC or the WP will give us a story that Trump someway underhandedly with the Prince, made a no gas hike, no blame deal! o_O
On balance of probabilities we've seen the bottom.

Opec announced a cut of 1.2 million barrels per day and the TA on the charts are suggesting that this is as good as its gonna get, so fill up now Mr Monkey 👍
Weird spot there actually.

I have AsAc.

Villain raises to $17 I take it to $35. He tanks it for like twenty seconds and calls.

Flop is 10c7s4c. He blasts his remaining $175. I snap call and he flips pocket tens.

It's funny, I said to myself it's king's or tens before I made the call. I based the call on no knowledge of him (him not being a reg), his relative stack size and a board that could easily have him semibluffing a straight or flush draw.

Is there a way for me to find a fold here?

Not seeing one. I view that one as bad luck and lack of information on said villain.

We played perfectly the next few hours to battle back so that's cool.

That one just makes me think. That's a HUGH bet for him post flop after I gave him every reason to think I have a bigger pair than him. Would a 1/3 player ever do this NOT looking for a call?


I'm thinking


Unfucking real mang.
Yeah I agree on no fold there Reno, not vs that opponent and that stack. If I had known him as a reg shark and/or he had a big stack then possibly a fold. I haven't gotten into slow playing aces but I was sitting next to a great player the other day who took a beautiful line doing that the other day and it did get me thinking. If you're heads up or close there could certainly be value in doing that, though in this case it would have probably ended up with the same result. I'll probably start messing with limping aces late pos heads up or close soon to hopefully increase my hourly. The 50 raise is a thought too, though despite the result I wouldn't want to scare ak/aq or smaller pp's there so not sure I'd take that line.

Good stuff, as always I appreciate it man.
Weird spot there actually.

I have AsAc.

Villain raises to $17 I take it to $35. He tanks it for like twenty seconds and calls.

Flop is 10c7s4c. He blasts his remaining $175. I snap call and he flips pocket tens.

It's funny, I said to myself it's king's or tens before I made the call. I based the call on no knowledge of him (him not being a reg), his relative stack size and a board that could easily have him semibluffing a straight or flush draw.

Is there a way for me to find a fold here?

Not seeing one. I view that one as bad luck and lack of information on said villain.

We played perfectly the next few hours to battle back so that's cool.

That one just makes me think. That's a HUGH bet for him post flop after I gave him every reason to think I have a bigger pair than him. Would a 1/3 player ever do this NOT looking for a call?


I'm thinking


Unfucking real mang.

If I have AA and villain raises to $17 pre and I have position, I’m raising to $50 -$75 depending on the villains style.

If he calls and moves in on that board I’m folding 50% of the time.
I don't agree with you guys on $50-$75 heads up, why would you want to drive him off? Only KK or possibly QQ/AK are shoving in response.i could see maybe if there were more opponents and you're trying to isolate, but it still seems like too much to me.

Sounds good on a poker thread.
Personally I'm happy to win was it 17, off any starting hand in a 1-2 game. Again what I wanna avoid in a nl game is putting myself in a tough spot. I.e. having to call when I'm drawing mostly dead. Which is what happened in this case. I love to get as much as possible in when I know I have the best hand. Also some people won't fold kings or possibly queens no matter what. I wanna give em a chance to make that mistake.
But perhaps most importantly I don't want to give somebody fair odds to trap. Many players used to sit around calling raises thinking that if they hit their hand they'll take your whole stack. You don't wanna give em fair odds for that.
That's why I would lean towards just calling with big stack. Let him bet into you the whole way and surprise him for a small win when you show the aces, unless you improve. Again don't want to give odds to get trapped for big stack