Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Were top dog because of trump? Dont think so pal, that's downright delusional. He's definitely lowering our awesomeness stock but it's so damn high he cant possibly lower it below the next nearest nation.

We owe our awesomeness to Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Reagan 10000x more than Mr. Orange.
Haha re orange man, I was memeing u brother. You gotta get with this millennial/Gen Z humour Bonerman...

But yeah did the aforementioned create all time lows in black and Hispanic unemployment? You can't deny the guys done more in 2 years than the 3 previous dudes combined over 2 decades...

As much as I'd like to hate on the guy (and I try to) I simply can't for when you type his name into Google you're simply presented with hit piece after hit piece, most of which is indeed "fake news" by a bunch of activists who say they're practicing journalism...

As for awesomeness and the hit its taking, you can partially thank those same activists for not getting behind what has been accomplished (esp economically. They're happy to report when the Dow drops though, just not when it goes up) and are almost doing their best to destabilize not only orange man but everyone who resides within that system...

Meanwhile, the intersectionalists keep on destroying the alternative from within, thus also helping to keep orange man relevant...

Muh freedom of speech until you say something I disagree with, then you become a racist, mysodgynist, homophobic bigot..

Those freedom of speech laws probably the greatest thing that the founding fathers enshrined into the constitution.
Is it still illegal to be gay in Australia?
That changed a couple years back, much to the dismay of butthurt hardcore conservatives 😁

Now the opposition is trying to make law that over 30 different genders be legally identified...

Yet at the same time we're supposed to accept religious fundamentalism (of ALL faiths) and somehow cohesively intertwine that with transactivism...

Personally sitting back with the popcorn and watching this shit show called intersectionalism implode on itself...
Can't say what will happen down the road but today gas was $2.11 a gallon! Lowest it's been in a quite awhile! Wasn't it supposed to go in the opposite direction? Maybe it will! Or maybe CNN or MSNBC or the WP will give us a story that Trump someway underhandedly with the Prince, made a no gas hike, no blame deal! o_O