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Random thoughts

Seems like a lot to do with only $2.7 million funding and so little time

Even if Librem 5 could make it in a usable form, what apps are going to run on it? without an apps ecosystem any platform is dead

Mozilla tried to make a Linux based OS for the phone and they couldn't make it with a $500 million a year revenue as a non profit

I'm leery of these crowdfunding type people, for example they promise Matrix integrated into the phone, Matrix is a mess right now to get working properly and that is in the semi stable Android system, month and months of debugging by volunteers, and Purism promised that they'll have it integrated working properly on their system, little details like that makes me not trust such projects, too many enamoring words but software development is hard

Best option currently is a Google-free Android fork on compatible devices https://lineageos.org/
Let me counter with the following...

Most linux “apps” will run

Matrix isn’t necessarily a mess.

Purism is a hardware company, Mozilla isn’t. They already have experience with this kind of stuff and they also have a frequently updated development blog.

Also, the thing about free software is that anybody can contribute. The majority of free software is not made by some large company with lots of revenue, yet there is an abundance of it.

Keep in mind that 90% of the software has already been developed, it just needs to be made responsive to screen size (Some software already is, such as the Telegram client)
Privacy? I don't have anything to hide...

Over the last 16 months, as I've debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, "I don't really worry about invasions of privacy because I don't have anything to hide." I always say the same thing to them. I get out a pen, I write down my email address. I say, "Here's my email address. What I want you to do when you get home is email me the passwords to all of your email accounts, not just the nice, respectable work one in your name, but all of them, because I want to be able to just troll through what it is you're doing online, read what I want to read and publish whatever I find interesting. After all, if you're not a bad person, if you're doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide." Not a single person has taken me up on that offer.
Glenn Greenwald in Why privacy matters - TED Talk
the people should've revolted when the pricks started asking for references and credit scores. Now you can suck the man's cock and like it. Pretty soon they'll get rid of cash and you won't be able to get a sandwich if the system doesn't approve of you, for any reason they like.
I don't get it. You choose to use a credit card over anonymous cash. You choose. to use a cell phone over in person meeting. You choose to use email and other forms of communication that leave a digital footprint. You've (not you specifically) chosen convenience over privacy and now you want to change the manner in which that convenience administered?
I don't get it. You choose to use a credit card over anonymous cash. You choose. to use a cell phone over in person meeting. You choose to use email and other forms of communication that leave a digital footprint. You've (not you specifically) chosen convenience over privacy and now you want to change the manner in which that convenience administered?
Convenience lol but has the price we've had to pay been worth it??

Just think about it...of course you have things to hide. Everyone does. It's why you don't go handing out your banking passwords to complete strangers or even friends...could go on and on but rambling won't get us anywhere..

You flirting with these tendencies is borderline delusional if you think the west isnt headed in a communist style direction.

What if you decide that heaven forbid you deserve a right to liberty and privacy, instead of being a data gathering whore for the state?? What rights do you have as an individual to request this and still lead a life undisturbed from your current everyday?? Do you not deserve the right to personal liberties, to freedom and privacy if you choose so??

You are the product. You are what every communists wet dream entails. If only you knew what that meant you'd be revolting in disgust tomorrow.

I'll make it easy. Name me one time where a political model of communist dictatorship hasn't ended in the death of millions....

I get that you work long hours so are probably too busy to gain a greater grasp of this stuff but at the risk of sounding too alarming you need to school yourself up on history brother boner...
Gritty is the new Flyers Mascot.


How can you not love that face?
you really go off the rails here expy. You got to get over your delusional fear of communism. The elitist corporate capitalist slime is inventing new ways to exploit and protect their interests and you find a way to blame communists for it :facepalm:
All I'm saying brother reno is that this game of identity politics is leading down a very dark road.

We all have a cousin, an uncle, a brother, a father, a grandfather, any of whom tomorrow could have the following charge levied against them. Hey reno, 36 years ago I was attacked by you. Somewhere, somehow, under some context. I don't know the exact time. Now, you go out and defend yourself. Until then, I'm going to go out and ruin your life and presume that you're guilty.

If we allow this affrontery to take place then anybody else is next in the lineup. Remember, you throw that witch into the water and if she swims then you know she's a witch and if she drowns and dies then oops, I guess she wasn't a witch...

Welcome to the infinite abyss of darkness

PS I'll be patiently waiting for you to show me that model of societal utopia where equality of outcome didn't result in the mass slaughter and diminished living conditions of masses of people. If everyone is classified as equal by the state then what's the point of even trying to begin with?? We all end up with nothing due to envy and the oppressive moral righteousness we see of those who actually own stuff aka the oppressors
Why are our governments so scared of us that they have to develop sophisticated hacking and spying tools to spy and hack their own citizenry who then make arrangements with companies like google, Twitter and Facebook to complicity further their spying programs?

Any government that's that fearful of its citizenry cannot possibly represent that citizenry in the way that's intended.

Government are servants, not managers, bosses and owners...

That's how a democracy is supposed to work

Rant over
again, I totally agree with your complaints, I'm just dumbfounded by the notion that any of this has anything to do with communism. Communism is an ideal which envisioned peoples of all races and classes ridding themselves of exploitation and oppression by the powerful. How were those same powerful interests able to convince an apparently large amount of people of the exact opposite? That is, that the problems caused by their incessant greed and opportunism is somehow the work of those trying to oppose them.