Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

They need to mix things up with the royal family. Instead of having an automatic succession to the thrown - i.e. - if the Queen pops off, it is automatically Charles - if Charles drops dead, it is automatically, well, whoever - there's a list - there is no flexibility - dudeguy that got married today is #6 - period - but what I'm saying is they should do what sports leagues do and have a lottery.

Like, sure, maybe Charles should have the most ping pong balls but they should have a bunch of people eligible. Like Elton John should have an outside shot.

Just my opinion.
Remember when we used to die of old age?

I remember, as a kid, asking what such-and-such person died of and being told they died of old age. It was a pretty common, completely acceptable answer.

"Well young Steve, that dead person died of old age."

"I see. That is acceptable to me."

You don't hear that any more. You always get much more precise information. I'm not saying that's good or bad - it's just an observation.

Not that that has anything to do with the Queen or anything.
People dying though. Like, unrelated to anything I have recently said, I got news today of two different people from my old neighbouhood dying. They lived right across the street from each other.

One was my dentist for a couple decades and father of a good friend of mine. He would have been pretty old, I reckon. The other guy was my age.

I don't know what the dentist died of but apparently the younger guy had liver and kidney failure due to a flesh-eating virus WTF?
I don't remember ever hearing that such-and-such person died of being delicate though. That was never a thing.

Not that that has anything to do with Prince Charles or anything.

In 80s 90s Lat Amer dying of delicate meant from gay shit. Delicate = Gay :hey: = Dying of AIDS

You don't hear that lingo anymore.

I don't know what the dentist died of but apparently the younger guy had liver and kidney failure due to a flesh-eating virus WTF?

We need a thorough investigation of this Mudcat!
Good choice Max! Just had one of these and starting on #2!


A must in the Summer for me and has to be ICE COLD! :cheers: