Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

i have become a huge fan of bell peppers, specially those sexy red ones

My fav too of the green and yellow variety also! Just sweeter than the green!

1. Green bell pepper

Green bell peppers are picked before they have fully matured and therefore these peppers are often classified as unripened among all other peppers. Because theyre prematurely harvested, they have a slightly bitter flavor and will never have the sweet taste of their red, yellow and orange counterparts.

2. Red bell pepper

Red bell peppers are considered fully ripened or matured bell peppers, because they are picked at the later stages of maturity. They often have a sweet, almost fruity taste. While the nutrients in red bell peppers are same as that in green bell peppers, the quantity of nutrients is higher because these peppers get more time on the plant before harvesting.

3. Yellow/Orange bell pepper

Orange and yellow peppers are harvested at the midpoint of maturity and therefore fall in between green and red bell peppers on the ripeness spectrum. These bell peppers lack the bitterness often associated with green peppers. Although they contain same type of nutrients as that in red and green bell pepper, their quantities are different.
I had no idea there was such a thing as summer fluid. :dunno:

Yes, summer fluid is formulated to help remove bugs and other splatter on the windshield while winter fluid is designed to remain a liquid up to -30.

One is pink the other blue.

JFC Matty, what kind of Canuck doesn't know this?

Looks like the bastards changed some of the names of the chemical elements on me.

I don't know why I'm calling them bastards; the new names are a million times better. I guess I am just slightly put out that I have to memorize, like, 4 new things while forgetting the 4 old things.

The old names were weird. Bad. More than anything, it just seemed like nobody could be bothered to give them actual names. Pretty easy to remember though.

There was


But now apparently it's


Again, I am not opposed - I am just slightly put out.

These scientists! It's like Pluto all over again!

It would seem okay to me if grapes with seeds became extinct.

I know that "extinct" is a word with gigantic negative connotations - but that would be an okay extinction. Like not positive to the level of, say, the smallpox vaccine being extinct - but it would be okay.

I saw some grapes with seeds at Walmart yesterday - right beside some seedless grapes. The ones with seeds were cheaper and I felt like someone was saying to me, "I'll pay you to swallow a bunch of little seeds - or else spit them out. You decide. But I'll pay you."

It was too weird for me.
We reached a turning point this week. My lips became less supple.

Clearly it is the dryness of winter - which is not a new effect for me - I have lived through many a Canadian winter - but it was so sudden this time. One day I am working away not giving a thought to my lips as they are just normal - but then BOOM - next day they are dry and cracky and I am conscious of not smiling too much in case they split.

Just BOOM.

So that is an update on the suppleness of my lips.
Is there anyway I can opt out of this Amber Alert bullshit?

It's not like I'm gonna jump out of bed, run around and look for missing children at 9 in the morning. What a world, when your own electronic devices conspire against you