Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Not sure if you mean the concept in general or this specific case. I'll start with the former.

I mainly know it as an issue on public transit where men on bench seating will spread their legs so they are using two or more possible seats.

Basic obnoxious, inconsiderate behavior. Some transit systems have taken to posting anti-man-spreading signs.

I saw it first hand during my experience with local transit last winter when I was having car troubles. Guys do it. Guys who suck.

Some men try to justify it - usually something about testicles.

I myself have testicles and have no problem limiting myself to one seat.

I chalk it up to people being dicks. So that's that . . .
. . . now as for this woman, she wasn't obstructing anyone. She was just sitting in a single chair in a waiting room.

But she had her legs straight out to the sides. Very fat, husky old woman, dressed all wrong. Tights. I would say her fatness had some effect on her inability to close her legs. But not that much.

Anyway she was sitting directly across from me with her gigantic poon hanging out..

Holy carp. I also googled it. That really is a thing and people really are getting arrested for it. If I wasn't too lazy to look for the "Things I learned today" thread, I would post that I learned the term "manspreading." I thought that was just a term you thought up. Nope.
