Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I've really only messed around with A and C. F is intriguing, I agree. Marine band snob because I've been playing them on and off for over 20 years, old dog says no thanks to new tricks. Used to the MB action and all that. I think I tried another one while back and didn't like it.

You seem happy with your Hohners though so might try one for shits n gigs.
Mildly content, my bad. How is the action on those Hohners, Muddy?

This morning total at register came to 173 and we explained to the cashier why that's a good number. I think she thought I was talking shit but really that story is true and we only disclosed about 8% of it. She's too young too be hearing the rest of it. Pretty funny. Bacon likes that place, those kids are alright, separate worlds and that's always cool.

We are cleaning today, hoping for the place to be good to go aside from cosmetics by day's end. On you tube you can type in a band's name and mix and it'll give you them and a bunch of stuff. We started with Arctic Monkeys mix, very decent, a lot of them, The Strokes, The Black Keys, etc. Nice feel but time to move on.

Where does a The Killers mix take us, we find out now. That reminds me of Muddy.

Probably time to move the AC, too.
Soaking is good though. Soaking works. I believe in soaking.

I guess it's all about the molecular level. Millions of sub-microscopic collisions that all add up to something tangible.

Take a plate with egg and melted cheese on it - big difference between leaving it sit in open air for hours versus soaking in warm water. Same with a mountain goat.

Let the soaking do some of the work for you.

Hungover...bad..was up for a minute at 11:30..didn't like that get up...back down and up again at 2:30...much better...won about a 100 last night playing dice....still...no take out today..last 2 days had it....wife went to store to get something for dinner...if I don't want what she's making I will make my own...I do have many many porkchops.