Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

No but seriously man, I bought a 12 pack of Canada Dry Ginger Ale for the Super Bowl gathering. I didn't know what people would be drinking and it seemed entirely possible that it would all be left to me - and I imagined taking it to work and sticking it in the fridge with a note saying HELP YOURSELF.

I don't drink pop. I just don't. Someone asked me recently if I thought pop was better from the grocery store or restaurants and I had to say I have no idea. I don't partake of either.

I was the only one who drank any of the ginger ale at the Super Bowl but lo and behold, since then, I have been having a can here and there ---> I have drank almost the whole case. Down to one left.

Canada Dry Ginger Ale ----> fine product.