Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I bought some fancy cheese today... the 14 year old cheddar cheese is ridiculous-ly good... I got two other kinds from Quebec and I got some Asiago from Wisconsin that has been aged an extra three years..

I love pretty much any kind of cheese. The ones from Quebec are among some of the most complex I have ever tasted.

I can't even begin to describe...one of the tasting notes said hazelnuts and mushroom flavors.
Obviously, these dealers know what they’re doing in going with the Canadiens’ logo. Who would want to take Edmonton Oilers MDMA, and be perpetually waiting for it to kick in? Or Ottawa Senators meth, which costs half of what it did three years ago and is about one-fourth as effective? Or Toronto Maple Leafs mushrooms, a fungus growing in Ontario since 1967?

Rogie it's weird how things come together sometimes. Tron is forumville's most famous cop, and he recommended Interpol to me, who busted up the Montreal meth dealing ring, which consisted of Montreal Canadien logo'd meth being dealt to Mathieu's neighbor and infamous elevator shit talker. A lot of roads crossing paths there.