Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I do not see myself ever using a dime. I think I would take a piece of paper and fold it several times until there was a semi-rigid edge and use that before I would use a dime.

Well I don't know if the paper idea would work but a dime just doesn't sound right.

One can just use their fingers.
I'm going to post some tracks that I've co-written and produced on Gamelive soon. Just one more thing that my haters can pile on me about when they resort to going ad hominem.

I've been meaning to upload them to YouTube for a long time and this may be enough motivation.
I prefer the USA NYLON .73 mm over the .60 mm

:ohmy: Women's picks.

Kidding. Strummers prefer flexible picks. I prefer a thick pick for lead work and I loosen my grip on it when strumming chords. Whatever works and all that, but experimenting with picks changed my playing style in major ways. I recommend trying every damn style, shape, thickness and material if you've never done it. I've been playing nothing but Jazz III's (small teardrop shape, 1.38mm) since I tried them about 10 years ago - if there aren't any around I'll use anything the 1mm-1.5mm range.

I like my picks.

I'm going to post some tracks that I've co-written and produced on Gamelive soon. Just one more thing that my haters can pile on me about when they resort to going ad hominem.

I've been meaning to upload them to YouTube for a long time and this may be enough motivation.

Oh yeah? I didn't know you did some of that. I'd be interested to take a look n' listen.
Something I don't get.

Very often when I see people waiting at a bus stop, they are gazing longingly up the road where the bus will be coming from. Sometimes they will walk to the curb and lean into the road to improve their angle. Sometimes, traffic permitting, they will actually wander into the road and crane their neck and possibly stand on their toes to get as good a look as possible.

Why do they do this? Do they imagine it makes the bus get there faster? Do they think that if they aren't fully prepared with as much notice as possible that a big fucking bus might drive up and stop right in front of them and they will miss it?
Something I don't get.

Very often when I see people waiting at a bus stop, they are gazing longingly up the road where the bus will be coming from. Sometimes they will walk to the curb and lean into the road to improve their angle. Sometimes, traffic permitting, they will actually wander into the road and crane their neck and possibly stand on their toes to get as good a look as possible.

Why do they do this? Do they imagine it makes the bus get there faster? Do they think that if they aren't fully prepared with as much notice as possible that a big fucking bus might drive up and stop right in front of them and they will miss it?

Mudcat I understand why they do this (because I'm a bus driver).

Its mostly smokers that want to see if the bus is approaching so they can have a smoke before it arrives.

No that's not it. It's not like they are doing it real quick and lighting a smoke. They just gaze ardently up the road and keep gazing and then reposition themselves and gaze some more.

I'm pretty sure they think they are making the bus get there faster.
Something I don't get.

Very often when I see people waiting at a bus stop, they are gazing longingly up the road where the bus will be coming from. Sometimes they will walk to the curb and lean into the road to improve their angle. Sometimes, traffic permitting, they will actually wander into the road and crane their neck and possibly stand on their toes to get as good a look as possible.

Why do they do this? Do they imagine it makes the bus get there faster? Do they think that if they aren't fully prepared with as much notice as possible that a big fucking bus might drive up and stop right in front of them and they will miss it?


yeah they do this around here incessantly..... and will even step into the path of your car, when you are only like 50 yards away... doing 35-40 trying to make a light, and they wanna go 5 yards into the street to see if a bus is 3 mins away yet or not.....

I thought it was only fickin nuggers that did this though....
I don't know what they are thinking.....

but I wish they knew that increasingly I am thinking I can get away with running them over and avoiding vehicular manslaughter because i'm white.....

well, honestly...... I guess they are just impatient and looking to get early relief...... so if they SEEE they bus, at least they'll know 3 mins earlier than when the bus actually arrives.....

when they can expect to be picked up....and expect to maybe make the next bus/train ride transition/transfer.... get to work on time ect....

now that I think about it, it kinda falls within the realms of normal semi-irrational human behavior..... we don't like to be out of control and out of the "know"