My guess: sex involving poop.
To follow through on the important thread topic of the day, I had chicken noodle soup for dinner instead of the prime rib. I was extra conscious at all times of biting my mouth and chewed extra slow and kinda flexed out that part of my mouth as much as I could - but I still bit it three times. It was a pretty chunky soup with plenty of chewing so it was probably not a bad result, all things considered.
I still have the portion of prime rib in the fridge. The beef itself came out great - so no particular extra chewing required - but I also have the actual ribs in there to gnaw on with this first batch of leftovers. It feels like a very high risk mouthbiting proposition. I probably won't even have it tomorrow. The next day, I'm thinking. Maybe even the day after that.
Dammit, when I have that prime rib, I want a pure experience.