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1950s, from earlier fuck the dog (fritter, waste time) (1935) (compare fuck around), later sense of make an embarrassing mistake (compare screw up, fuck up). Popularized by use by Tom Wolfe in The Right Stuff (1979), and film adaptation The Right Stuff (1983).

The term was first documented in the early "Mercury" days of the US space program. It came there from a Yale graduate named John Rawlings who helped design the astronauts' space suits. The phrase is actually a bastardization of an earlier, more vulgar and direct term which was slang for doing something very much the wrong way, as in "you are fucking the dog!" At Yale a friend of Rawlings', the radio DJ Jack May (a.k.a. "Candied Yam Jackson") amended this term to "screwing the pooch" which was simultaneously less vulgar and more pleasing to the ear.

The term, however, did not enter the popular lexicon until Tom Wolfe used it in his book about the space program, The Right Stuff, where it was used to describe a supposed mistake by astronaut Gus Grissom.


screw the pooch (third-person singular simple present screws the pooch, present participle screwing the pooch, simple past and past participle screwed the pooch)

(idiomatic) to screw up; to fail in dramatic and ignominious fashion
You want to talk about knowing what to do with a situation.

This guy helps to stop the whack job that was stabbing everyone near Pitt yesterday.


Classicly handled interview, takes no credit for it. Good to see, may he and his people reap the rewards of his actions. Good to hear you're going to PSU chief.
lolz you jackass

client from closing: the closer wants to know what color ink you want used blue or black
me: either is fine
client: closer wants to know who it's with
me: xxxxxxx, black is fine
client: closer wants to know blue or black
me: black, black
client to closer: black, but he's not very particular (they chuckle)
me: good deal, talk to you later
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