Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

So now what happens? I changed the toaster setting. So now, after not giving it a thought in literally a decade-plus, I have to think of it every time. I have to remember the exact respective spots for toast and waffles.

And then, even if it appears the same on the outside, maybe it will be slightly different in the internal workings because maybe there is some slack in the system or whatever. Maybe I will never quite hit that sweet spot for toast which I have enjoyed for so long ever again.

I'm liking the waffles but I have to wonder, what have I done?

How can those be acceptable? How is it possible?

Rhetorical question I suppose. I would not suggest formulating a detailed explanation. It just goes against the grain for one like myself who has laid down many a Scrabble tile in his time. But obviously Words With Friends is not Scrabble.

Kanye East.