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Post Your Current Credit Score

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Our plan is a reasonable 120 in 5.

I even get a bourbon budget. The 30yo planner asked what my main bottle was and she insta-keyed in the price. Maker's Mark is a staple at our house, she said.

Where are you putting your money? I need to park some cash for a year but needs to be safe/no risk. It looks like even 1 year cd rates suck. I guess that's my only real option at this point other than a %1 savings account?
When you mean safe you mean 100% safe? 0% risk? 250k or less put it in an Ally high yield savings, or better yet put it in 3 different 1% savings. The .2% extra for a CD ain't worth the liquidity risk. Want a little more risk (and thus return) buy 10 year treasuries or TIPS (treasury inflation protected securities you'll get a YTM of 1.7% or so. Want more risk/reward buy a preferred stock ETF. I like PFF which has modest fees and is throwing off .005%/month for a simple annualized rate of 6%. Find a brokerage house that'll let you reinvest your dividends to boost your returns (compounding? yes please!). This last one has the risk of approx a decent rated corporate bond. Def risky and not for the "I can't lose a penny" money.
When you mean safe you mean 100% safe? 0% risk? 250k or less put it in an Ally high yield savings, or better yet put it in 3 different 1% savings. The .2% extra for a CD ain't worth the liquidity risk. Want a little more risk (and thus return) buy 10 year treasuries or TIPS (treasury inflation protected securities you'll get a YTM of 1.7% or so. Want more risk/reward buy a preferred stock ETF. I like PFF which has modest fees and is throwing off .005%/month for a simple annualized rate of 6%. Find a brokerage house that'll let you reinvest your dividends to boost your returns (compounding? yes please!). This last one has the risk of approx a decent rated corporate bond. Def risky and not for the "I can't lose a penny" money.
I had DRIPS when you were still wearing g'ranimals....but for this particular money, it has to be %100 safe as it will belong to Uncle Sam in April of 2016 for Capital gains. I am ok with risk on other things (obviously,) but I can't lose what technically is due to Uncle Sam. I just hate having it sit in a checking account for 14 months...why did you say put it in 3 different %1 savings? I'll probably just throw in my old TDMM and forget about it.

Boner you remind me of my dad...and THAT is one of the best compliments anyone could ever get from me.
Thanks for the compliment. BTW I'm actually too young for g'ranimals, though I am aware of them.

250k is the max insured by FDIC. Never keep more than 250k in an FDIC insured account, if the bank goes belly up you're out the excess. I said to split the amount (not knowing how much it was) b/c if it's large and a bank goes under it is insured (again FDIC) but the FDIC process is long and it sucks. Essentially 3 accounts is a hedge against liquidity risk, however remote that may be.
Thanks for the compliment. BTW I'm actually too young for g'ranimals, though I am aware of them.

250k is the max insured by FDIC. Never keep more than 250k in an FDIC insured account, if the bank goes belly up you're out the excess. I said to split the amount (not knowing how much it was) b/c if it's large and a bank goes under it is insured (again FDIC) but the FDIC process is long and it sucks. Essentially 3 accounts is a hedge against liquidity risk, however remote that may be.

It's not 250k but I see what you are saying. I WISH I owed $250k in capital gains.
If you owe a significant amount of capital gains and you can afford it you should be shot taking. Essentially you get a %28 rebate on your losses... Buy some options, shoot for the moon.
I learned the hard way that I am not a saavy enough investor to take shots. I've got some carry over losses I can claim, but I'm not doing anything with this particular money other than doing the responsible thing. I was just hoping to find 1.75 or %2 short term savings.

You are probably too young to remember Louis Rukeyser also eh?
So many high credit scores. If I were a regular I would undoubtedly bring the average way down. I haven't had a payment in over 8 years for anything other than insurance, utilities and cellular, all of which have been on time yet my previous history was so bad that today's credit rating is .........................................................................................570.

Buy Here Pay Here and Rent To Own bound for life.