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Passenger plane carrying 227 en route to Bejing has gone missing

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Bacon, if it's FB then if you don't have one of these, get one!

Awesome Nina! And you do like Asians! :up:

Indeed I am quite fond of them!!

It's funny. There have been several times we have been out to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant and members of the staff (who know what he wants when they see him cause he is there that much) ask him what part of Mexico he is from. I always giggle when he answers "The Japanese part"
I'm confused. Who is IAG iRATE towards?

Effdub hasn't been around lately.. :bumpforgregm:

I just got home, been very busy after a blizzard. I've been staying away because its been less about sports and more towards personal e-battling stuff. Really the only person I've really talked to on a consistent basis has been Ray Ray.

It was brought to my attention earlier that Bacon posted some stuff that I PMed him about IAG and screwing with personal lives. I believe this was sometime between his fight with Nina and the religion and the big blow-up between everyone. I posted that in privacy to him, hoping he would chill. I was at a frustration level also, even more than him. Whatever happened between them two today, that came out to everyone. We traded a few PM's when everything was about to go down and hoped things were smoothed over, but for naught. I Some of the PM's i sent weren't completely truthful because I wanted to see if he was the one spreading stuff after the Lasso ghost deal.

Anyway, one of the things I regretted telling him was her snooping on posters and messing with them. I have known her for five years and I do not know of anyone she has done this to. I know she has a lot of friends here and she values them all and would do anything for them. I am sorry if i hurt her in any way over this and didn't mean the harm that may have caused.

OK, back to your thread. I'm going to search for the airplane until EMU-Buffalo. Buff -3.:clover:
I am gonna call BS on the "Have moved on" statement there because in the past couple of pages every chance you have had to take a cheap shot and remind us ALL over again of your opinion, you have taken. And Cali doesn't read the forum enough to know the whole IAG/FW tale so someone had to point that out to her. And I am fairly certain it was the same person who use to tell me stuff all the time....

anyhoo...WHERE is that plane???
So FW did some troubles. Unreal.
Everyone is human. I was angry because I do value my reputation..online or not...silly or not. I don't know to what degree this untruth (and there were a few others lol) may have fueled the issues with Bacon. The big feud had already taken place, but I felt as if Fw's statements may have contributed to a lingering problem.

I had asked FW to fix things and it did not appear he was willing/prepared to do so after several requests. That is why I made the post. He has told me he wanted to do it when he could get home and do it the right way, and I have no reason to doubt that.

I do have to say that having balls/manning up comes easier for some than others, and for one who does not like to be in the spotlight much, I do have to appreciate FW taking appropriate responsibility. I know it must have been difficult and I do appreciate it.

That's all folks.