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I just got HBO and Showtime and Starz and Cinemax and everything else so I should start watching Boardwalk Empire I guess. I heard it was pretty good. The costumes and actual look of the show have always been impressive when I see clips. As long as Buscemi doesn't do any oral sex scenes I'd imagine it holds together fairly well.
Speaking of performers that just kinda rub me the wrong way, every once in awhile this guy turns up and it's never a joyous thing.

The Shield

Has anyone watched this entire series?

I will be wrapping up the final season this week after years of wanting to watch but not wanting to do it via DVD's. I joined Hulu Plus just for this series cause NetFlix didn't have it available for streaming.

I will admit that some of the situations the Strike Team members get into and out of are too unrealistic but the overall entertainment factor has still been there for all the seasons. Also true it appeared the writers weren't exactly sure which directions they wanted to take some of the characters but I guess that can be said for most series that last over time.
So did Dex steal the shirt and wallet from evidence to setup Laguerta before or after the events of last week's episode at the shipping container? I don't follow how Dex got out of that one.

The widow of that dead black cop who was in a couple episodes is responsible for incriminating Deb? :common:

Hannah without makeup. Yikes. What a difference. :tully:
I could pick apart Dexter all day. So many holes. I won't even start. But (*SPOILER*) I did say, "YESSS!!!" when Deb shot Laguerta.

Makes me wonder if it has always been like this and I just didn't notice because I was more caught up in the big philosophical questions, or if it is really nosediving. I suspect the latter. It's not even a question of something happening over seasons - although there has been some gradual decline - but it seemed like something really egregious happened in just like the last 5-6 episodes. It's like they had a writer abruptly quit and he was the guy in charge of continuity and noticing really gaping logic holes.

I dunno. I'll start watching the next season. TBH I don't even see myself being on the verge of bailing. I'll probably just stick with it.
I like how Quinn only had a short cameo at the end. It's like the writers finished the script and were a few days from shooting when they realized he was omitted. Then they just said, "Fuck it, plant the seed for a future relationship with the cute nanny. But don't give him more than 30 seconds of screen time. No one cares about that character."

Laguerta going down was nice and a long time in the making. But the suspense was kind of gone at that point. Halfway thru the episode, I thought it was possible Deb would turn on Dex and arrest him. Seemed like Hannah and then Laguerta had gotten to Deb and really had her questioning herself. But when it came down to shooting Dex or Laguerta, I mean, come on - there's one more season to go. Can't kill off Dexter now.