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The Rider (2018)

Just wanted to lob out a recommendation of an off-the-beaten-path, low-budget indy flick that I thought was amazing.

It's something different. If you do watch it, you might be struck right away by the weakness of the acting. That's because there are no actual actors in it. But I stuck with it and found it incredibly thoughtful and powerful. It is affecting in a way that just builds and builds. 8.8 out of 10

I watched season 1 of Russian Doll. It was pretty good. Very watchable.

As you discover within 10 minutes - or if you read any promo material - there are thematic comparisons to Groundhog Day or LOST - that kinda felt like a Red Flag at times - but it goes in some entertaining directions. It's a lot funnier than LOST.

Anyway, the whole season is eight 25-minute episodes. It can be flown through pretty damn quick.
Could not stand Natasha Lyonne more than an episode and a half.

I wonder if a TV or movie director will ever ask Natasha Lyonne to play someone other than Natasha Lyonne. 🤔

I get that. I had that initial reaction but I, for lack of a better term, powered through - because I wanted to see WTF.

I do think, if it keeps going, they will end up in a situation like LOST. Maybe not the exact same conclusion but I seriously doubt they can come up with a way to explain things that will satisfy me. I would definitely not hang around for 800 episodes (or however long LOST went on and on) just watching a bunch of mysteries with no explanation.
I've been watching Black Mirror. I'm finding it uneven. Some of it is okay. I have a shortage of stuff to watch these days so I keep going.

I think my favorite part is when they use an actor I vaguely recognize and I see if I can figure out what I know them from without a look-up.

The dad from Humans stumped me. Chicky-poo from Downton Abbey got me - but from the same episode, I managed to place the guy: he's from Get Out. Took me a while but I finally figured out the guy in the episode I'm watching now is in Game of Thrones.