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Hey look at that, an entire tray of neatly-labeled bottles of acid! Unless I'm mis-remembering the conversation I had 5 minutes ago with a minor character, I think I can mess up the villain's vision by throwing some acid in his face! What a timely coincidence!
Is this sic fi stuff matty? Is it for me?

Not our cup of tea but 1st episode was OK! This guy can make the worst plot watchable so that's why we tuned in!

Is this sic fi stuff matty? Is it for me?

Sci-fi indeed. It's very in line with the times though, with all the talk about AI and uploading your mind and all that stuff. Whoever decided to remake and expound on the movie was on the ball. It's very much prestige TV, everything is top-notch. I think you would like it.
Is this sic fi stuff matty? Is it for me?

Acknowledging that it's not me you're asking I'll say this: short answer is yes - it's gotta be labelled as sci-fi.

It's not typical though. I feared it would be all about AI and get into all the beaten-to-death ethical stuff that always brings up - but it's had a pretty light touch about that so far.

I'm really not sure where they are going. There is a lot they could do with the people suck angle vis a vis the kind of people who would visit a theme park like that because they want a realistic killing/raping experience - but they have only really touched on that peripherally.

Don't know. It's possible that by episode 6 they will basically have become the show Humans in a different wrapping - and I won't feel like watching any more myself.

But so far it's pretty fascinating. Worth a look.
I might have reached my fill on the show Shameless. It's getting pretty repetitive.

I get it: they have no shame.

No that's too dismissive. They have brought me this far, season 7. It's never been an all-timer but there have been some good thoughtful ideas - even touching at times - there has been relevant social commentary and some laughs over the years.

But I might finally be Shameless-ed out.
I've watched episode 3. The answer is no.

Probably not. There were elements to the events of episode 3 that seem to contradict the theory - although they could play with timelines in any number of ways if they want to. I could explain how the theory still works - but it would be getting pretty far-fetched.

Something just seemed off about episode 2 though. A couple of the hosts that those two guys interacted with seemed less sophisticated that the "present day" ones. They reminded me of the jerkier, early-model guy that Anthony Hopkins had in his office in that one scene.

I start wondering if one of the guests might be later to become Ed Harris. (But given the de-aging they did with Hopkins - which of course they could do with Harris too - it would be extremely clumsy to have William, who doesn't really look like Ed Harris, age into Ed Harris.)

I have watched so much TV and movies that I start expecting certain twists and devices, and I go hunting for them.

So now I am wondering if Ed Harris is maybe Arnold.

In any case, good to have a show to gab about.
Sci-fi indeed. It's very in line with the times though, with all the talk about AI and uploading your mind and all that stuff. Whoever decided to remake and expound on the movie was on the ball. It's very much prestige TV, everything is top-notch. I think you would like it.

Acknowledging that it's not me you're asking I'll say this: short answer is yes - it's gotta be labelled as sci-fi.

It's not typical though. I feared it would be all about AI and get into all the beaten-to-death ethical stuff that always brings up - but it's had a pretty light touch about that so far.

I'm really not sure where they are going. There is a lot they could do with the people suck angle vis a vis the kind of people who would visit a theme park like that because they want a realistic killing/raping experience - but they have only really touched on that peripherally.

Don't know. It's possible that by episode 6 they will basically have become the show Humans in a different wrapping - and I won't feel like watching any more myself.

But so far it's pretty fascinating. Worth a look.

downloading now :megarock:
It's not pronounced wee-jee. I don't want to get too know-it-all-y and say it's just how it's spelled - because it's a slightly odd word - mashing together syllables of French and German - and the German part - ja - would be ya - whereas we English typically pronounce the j in ouija like a j like in jack.

But still, it's kinda like how it's spelled. Ouija.

Not wee-jee. Wee-ja.
