Hooligans Sportsbook

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Apparently Sun News has failed. It just went off the air at 5 am today.

For anyone that doesn't know, it is kinda the Canadian version of Fox News. Conservative, partisan, ridiculously slanted. Very angsty about the War Against Christmas. That kinda thing.

I was surprised to hear that it launched 4 years ago. I would have guessed 1.5.

Whatever. It has gone tits-up.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

I watched Divergent (2014). It is the dystopian future alternative to The Hunger Games featuring the present alternative apparent to Jennifer Lawrence, Shailene Woodley as Tris (instead of Katniss).

It (Divergent) is kind of okay for awhile - it's very movie-ish - many devices trotted out - some with noticeably heavy hand - hard to get truly invested in - but it is actually watchable for awhile - but then it just keeps getting sillier and ends up somewhere below the Mendoza line. Thumbs down.

What is Kate Winslet doing here? Although I have to confess I did wonder recently if Ashley Judd was dead or what. No. She's in this.

And yes, there will be sequels plural.

4.6 out of 10.

Hey here's a poster with Shailene Woodley that doesn't look like what Shailene Woodley looks like.

Well if you dug up a picture from The Descendants, she may well have been.

I like her. Promising actress IMO. As far as the rivalry some people are trying to trump up, I prefer her over Jennifer Lawrence by a longshot (although, in my world, that is a pretty low bar.)

Tiny, slight little thing though. Does not look like the hulking, kick-ass organism in that poster.
I liked Better Call Saul. I did not have high hopes though. Interweaving BB characters helps too. I'll keep watching. Possibly a top 3 worst intro ever with the lawyer up license plate and cheeseball music. Maybe it fits though the more I think about Saul.
Draft Day (2014) - Very nice set-up. Appallingly atrocious payoff.

It's weird. I don't think a non-NFL fan could really get into it. It's a bit "inside" as far as the draft and the subtleties of what it means to teams and college players. But that was the set-up and I found it interesting.

But it's also going to be off-putting to actual NFL fans as the machinations of the big day - the trades and the drafts - are just impossibly stupid if you know anything at all. REE-diculous.

Ehh who knows? It was not a badly received and rated movie. Sometimes you just have to turn your brain off. I do not have a setting low enough for the ludicrous end parts of this movie, but I guess some people do.

Looks like it made a few dollars, although not as many as I might expect of something with the NFL attached to it.

4 out of 10.
