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Mattay if you can find Samsara online somewhere....you kids seem to know tricks....excellent documentary. Beautiful, mesmerizing, saddening, thought-provoking.

I should be a fokking film critic.

It was really awesome though. Just left theaters so unsure. I went and saw it twice.
Gigi (1958) - This movie simply could not be made today. Not without drastic changes. This kind of story of jailbait chasing would be off-the-charts unacceptable. Back then they gave it Best Picture.

I just found it funny right from the first scene with the pervy old guy sniffing around the playground singing about little girls.

Pedo overtones aside (well, not even really overtones - just tones), like many (most?) old movies, the story is one manipulative plot device after another. Characters do things that make no sense. There is little realism; they are just pawns being slid around by writers who have a place they want to get.

This is a musical and there is some memorable music. None moreso than the aforementioned Thank Heaven For Little Girls. But there is other stuff too. There is the eponymous song Gigi with its variations on how 30ish women are boring and it is best for a middle aged guy to get a girl right at the moment she is flowering.

Or there is the The Night They Invented Champagne - one of a few scenes where a 15 year-old is cheerfully fed alcohol.

Haha. It cracks me up imagining the prudish reaction there would be today if someone tried to pull this shit.

But it's not today. It is a 1958 movie set in 1900 Paris. I don't know what else to say or how to rate it. It's certainly very artistic in its look. There is some good music by Lerner and Lowe. The performances are generally good. Apart from the unintentional humor there is some effective intentional stuff. The main love story kind of works. Sort of. In a way.

I give it a 6/10.

You call it Gigi. I call it Giggity

Tron (1982) - Fonny shit to watch 30 years later. I'm not sure that the plot makes much sense but I think I get what they were trying to do. Early programmers prolly felt as though they were giving life to parallel worlds.

Jeff Bridges talking to a bit (which can only reply "yes" or "no" in a weird digitized voice) was pretty fonny.

7.3 Matty Rains for this avant-garde piece of nerdy-lifestyle propaganda
I watched The Avengers (2012) last evening. I was not quite as orgasmic about it as a lot of people, but I thought it was okay turn-your-brain-off entertainment.


I wasn't impressed. These overdone action scenes, saturated with CGI, comic book movies are almost identical the past few years.

And they are all 2 plus hours, which is too much. Horrible witty banter. Stupid one-liners.

It hasn't been the same since the original X-Men.
Tron Legacy (2010) - Pretty much the exact same movie as the original but with much better-looking environments. The young CGI version of Jeff Bridges looked especially impressive.

Not sure how Olivia Wilde makes the transition into the real world (she's a "program", not a human "user") but whatever.

Fun ride. Nice soundtrack by Daft Punk. I believe it was them playing the DJ's in one scene.

7.8 Matty Rains
Winslet, Phoenix and Geoffrey Rush kill it in Quills.

And anytime Michael Caine gets it stuck to him real good (re: Children of Men "pull my finger" scene) then I am having a good time.

I met a guy last night, that knows a girl, who gave Phoenix an HJ a while back.

If not for getting two random girls full frontal, during a game of strip blackjack, that might have been highlight of the night.
As far as working actors at the low end of the popularity/pay versus actual talent spectrum ----> Scarlett Johanssen.

My gawd what a weak actress. I realize this is not exactly breaking news but wow.

I don't even find her all that hot. But that is subjective so I can't harp on it. Some people think she is the hottest girl in the world --> so be it. Different tastes.

I guess her ass looked pretty good in that suit.

But the acting. Jayzuz gawd.