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I best remember him as Jerry who was a dentist who shared the professional offices with Bob Newhart, who was a shrink, in the first Bob Newhart show.

Weird thing is, a long time passed before the significance of his name really dawned on me. I'm sure I saw it a hundred times in the credits and it never registered. I just shrugged it off and even benignly imagined some safe alternate pronunciation. Peter Baw-nerz or some damn thing.

But no, the dude's name is Peter Bonerz.

Peter Bonerz did some directing too. That's why he has crossed my mind recently. He was in the movie Man on the Moon because he was directing Andy Kaufman in episodes of Taxi - which he really did. They had almost all the real people from Taxi for the Taxi parts of that movie. Older of course but what the hell.

He showed up and I was like, "Peter Bonerz!"

He did quite a bit of sitcom directing. There are several screencaps on the internet of his name in credits. That should come as no surprise given that his name is Peter Bonerz.



The Gambler is getting shitty reviews. I was hoping for better. Btw, I think Wahlberg is a below average actor. If you don't agree with me I will wage WAR on you.

I may have to finally watch the original with James Caan.

he is one of those actors that i enjoy watching because sometimes he is so bad, its funny... especially in a drama role... he could be as serious as possible and have me dying laughing... im probably not much fun to watch his movies with.

the original is :thumbsup:
I have continued to watch. I am still waiting for something to happen. They have said that someone was killed - and they said who - but I wonder when they are going to get around to it actually happening in the "flashback."

I guess they have given us plenty of fodder for a whodunit when the time comes.

I was hoping it would be a one-and-done but I just checked and it says there will be a 2nd season. So I guess they are planning to drag out the investigation for a whole nuther season ???

Yah, someone at work made me watch a Star Wars trailer yesterday. Most notable thing to me was a light saber with a cross-guard. Looked cool. At first I thought it didn't make much sense but I guess a cross-guard is a cross-guard whether it is steel or laser. Hinders a blade from sliding down your blade and cutting off your hand. You want that.

Which brings up the question: then why didn't they have it all along?


I feel sure the nerds are getting some mileage out of that discussion.

Watched the movie Bound for Glory (1976) which is a biopic of Woody Guthrie. Interesting experience. Went into it with a bit of respect for the guy. I only knew the broad outline of his story but basically ---> :like:

And I have liked Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger quite a bit. Seen them in concert and whatnot. That's obviously not Woody but it comes from the same scene. I was a bit of a folkie for quite awhile. I know the songs of Woodie Guthrie from various sources including Peter Paul and Mary and, again, I use the word respect.

I don't know what they were shooting for with that movie but it made me dislike the guy. He seemed first and foremost stupid. He had a message he wanted to deliver - and he had a platform that he could have used - but he was too much of a short-sighted, petulant child. He was unforgivably horrible towards his family. Self-pitying. Didn't really accomplish much. Mostly just stupid.

I don't know how to rate that. I guess there is educational value to it. It was not a badly put-together movie. Hal Ashby is a very good director.

But ultimately I did not enjoy the watching of it, and I do want to enjoy movies I watch. 4 out of 10.
