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The Lego Movie (2014) - Don't laugh, that shit was surprisingly funny and insightful. The parallel made between leaders/creators vs. the "followers", i.e. those who merely follow the printed instructions, is deeper than one might expect from a movie that really had no reason to be more than a 100-minute commercial.

We enjoyed this.

7.9 Matty Rains
I find that the second viewing of a movie is all-important. Almost as important as the first for solidifying opinion and memory.

Recently saw Django Unchained for the second time. It's quite a bit better than I thought first time.

There are quite a few decisions that went into it that I wish had been made differently but still - it does a lot of things right too.

Rating changed from 7 to 8.
Wasn't that a cliched anti slavery/bigotry preaching comedy? Feel like I have to watch it now that the reviews are so much higher than I would expect. Must be something special going on there. ...Oh wait but you also liked Inglorious Bastards. I could only last 5 minutes of that :dunno:
Wasn't that a cliched anti slavery/bigotry preaching comedy? Feel like I have to watch it now that the reviews are so much higher than I would expect. Must be something special going on there. ...Oh wait but you also liked Inglorious Bastards. I could only last 5 minutes of that :dunno:

What about Inglorious Bastards did you dislike so much?

The first 5 minutes is a bit slow for a reason...
What about Inglorious Bastards did you dislike so much?

The first 5 minutes is a bit slow for a reason...

I found it highly offensive and disrespectful, epitome of American ignorance of historical issues and lack of tact.
It was one thing to watch the artsy portrayal of the fun, glorified Nazi murdering of supposedly helpless jews in the opening scene. But the 2nd scene fantasy of some retarded redneck gathering recruits to go kill "Natzays" is way too much to take.
ive been unimpressed with the summer line up of tvshows.... tonight is the premier of Extact (halle berry astronaut show) and sea2. of The Bridge premiers (although not as good as the danish/swed version)

brooklyn taxi has been an okay show through 2 eps. its on tonight as well
Wasn't that a cliched anti slavery/bigotry preaching comedy?

On my second viewing of Django Unchained I settled into a mentality that I was watching a graphic novel kinda deal. First time, I wanted to take it more literally. I don't see that as the movie's fault - it is pretty honest about what it is. I must have just been in a mood or whatever. As a graphic novel, it works fairly well for me.

But yes there is a clear message that slavery/racism sucks if that can be called preachy.
Never made it 100% through Django, maybe I'll give it another try.

All the way through the final episode of season 4 in Boardwalk Empire and I have to say I am very impressed. That last episode will be hard to top. It really reminded me a bit of that scene in the Godfather where all the rival families got whacked. It wasn't exactly like that, but some really good writing and suspenseful scenes in there. The way Harrow went was great. It's always tough to kill a character that the audience loves and they sent him out the right way. Boardwalk is my #4 all time favorite show right now, and Mad Men slips to #5. It's just more consistent.
Do they deliver it in a "we think our audience is stupid so we're going to way overdo this" kind of way, a la "Crash"?

God no. The point of Django is not to preach. The point is revenge/catharsis. Tarantino loves that shit and to do it, he needs villains. In Inglourious Basterds it was Nazis and in fact Hitler. In Kill Bill, it was a subtler deal with Bill and a few minions along the way. In Django, it's slavers.

To have proper catharsis, you need to have the villains do horrible things and Tarantino does not skimp on the puppy kicking. Nazis do Nazi stuff, slavers do slaver stuff, and they suck.

But the point is not education - it's comeuppance. To my observation, it assumes no preaching is needed. It starts with their sucking as a given.

Crash is a massively different kettle of fish.

I feel like you could definitely make a case that Tarantino treats his audience as a bit stupid - but not by preaching. He does it by having these blatant manipulative catharsis deals that are so clearly designed to have the simplest minds clapping like seals.

I wish Tarantino would settle down with that (as I wish he would worry less about making constant nods to crappy older movies).