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I have to make one critical comment about last night's episode though. I feel that something got lost in the hullaballoo.

That scene in the airport where he follows the guy into the bathroom - then next thing he is wheeling the guy out, unconscious in a wheel chair - then he picks the lock of the lost baggage room (or whatever it was) - then he sets up a kill room in there and has a nice relaxed murder - then he transports the dead body out of the joint - without anything being noticed by security or anyone else . . .

Not that Dexter is a show where I expect extreme and constant plausibility in all scenarios, however that seemed like even more of a stretch than usual.
ok matty I did breaking bad all the way to 5.8

I suppose to wait a whole year for 8 more episodes wtf


excellent show 8.5 matty rains, liked it more than the wire, these 2 shows closes thing i've seen to a latin novela

that's one thing I hate about american tv, make you wait a week for a new episode and whole year for a couple more episodes, shit is ridiculous, just show the whole story and get it over with like everywhere else, dumericans

if you love breaking bad you'd like rosario tijeras, long shot that you can track it down but, school girl turns hitman for a cartel in modern medellin, similar evolution as walter

ok matty I did breaking bad all the way to 5.8

Jesus fok pal! That's some intense TV watching.

liked it more than the wire

Oh wow. Oh wow.

I guess I can see how people could prefer BB. It's a stellar show and a much more polished production than The Wire. But to me The Wire remains by far the most gripping, smartest TV show ever.

if you love breaking bad you'd like rosario tijeras, long shot that you can track it down

I'll try to find it. I like to hunt down obscure shit that no one cares about.

This is possibly my favorite movie scene ever. That Crispin Glover happens to be there sends it way over the top, right in the 5th dmiension. :bowdown:

Had to import the DVD from a mail-order shop in Poland.
Finally saw an episode of the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I had been hearing about it for a long time but just never crossed paths with it. Finally, the other day, I noticed it in my listings so I taped an episode.

I had a vague impression it might be something I would like but I could not get through the whole episode.

So that's one less question mark hanging over my existence.
I have stalled on The Wire. Almost done with season 3. Better than season 2, but I got sidetracked.

I watched the first two seasons of Louie. Excellent. The pilot episode might be the best episode of television I've ever seen.

man that pilot episode must be like 50X better than the one I saw. And I like his stand up.

Sunny in Philly is a strange show. I couldn't stand it at first, but lately I saw a couple of episodes I enjoyed.
I guess I can see how people could prefer BB. It's a stellar show and a much more polished production than The Wire. But to me The Wire remains by far the most gripping, smartest TV show ever.

the wire is straight up story, I like how BB experiments with the cameras, close up shots, el corrido de heisenberg, fx and filters, la santa muerte etc always mixing it up to present the story
In Time with Justin Timberlake :wah:, Amanda Seyfried :betplom: and Olivia Wilde :betplom::betplom:. Interesting/clever premise; completely retarded, Hollywood-formula execution. If people could steal other people's time-as-currency just by rubbing their forearm against them there would be major chaos and mass murders everywhere.

4 Matty Rains

+1 Matty Rain for scantily-clad Amanda Seyfried
+2 Matty Rains for Olivia Wilde (good God man)

7 Matty Rains total

Jeff, Who Lives At Home with Jason Segel and Ed Helms. "Independent" movie which purports to make 30-something slackers/misfits feel better about themselves, and possibly give them the kick in the ass they need. Really sappy and silly, in an artsy-fartsy Little Miss Sunshine way. Jason Segel is occasionally funny.

Susan Sarandon is a GILF, but no babe bonus applies here.

5 Matty Rains
Scarface (1983) - Hadn't seen this for so long it was almost like seeing it for the first time. It is such a cliche for dopey SBR-type simpletons to love this movie that I kinda wanted to hate it, but it's actually pretty good. Over-rated no doubt but not enough to get really uppity about.

(It is not often I find a soundtrack/score unintentionally funny but this Giorgio Moroder effort here seemed comically wrong at all times, like it got lost on its way to a teen coming-of-age flic. But whatever.)

7 out of 10
I don't think Deb is going anywhere.

Leaguerta is gone for sure this season, however. Only about 6 seasons too late.

I think this season is set up to be pretty good. But I hope the writers stop recycling this storyline where Dex wonders if he can change and live some type of normal life.