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AGT does one thing the other talents shows don't. If you're like me and the commercials on the full performance show as well as the judgment show make you want to shoot yourself in the face they have a 3rd show, the hour long recap with just performances and judge reviews. Most of the acts are still brutal but this kid cracks me up.

i love her ray, just finished the whole thing

This movie, Lee Daniels' The Butler has been well received. Some good reviews and I think it has done well at the box office. I'm sure I'll see it at some point.

My only complaint: the title. Don't call it Lee Daniels' The Butler. Just call it The Butler. I don't know who Lee Daniels is and why it is necessary to jerk him/her off - but I'm saying no.

Okay I looked it up. I assumed Lee Daniels was the author of the source material, but no. In fact Lee Daniels is the (male) director.

Martin Scorsese doesn't need his name in his titles. The Coen Brothers don't. It was not called Robert Altman's Short Cuts. Clint Eastwood and Ron Howard do not muddy up their titles by inserting their own name. No sign of any film titles that include Mike Nichols, Barry Levinson, Billy Wilder, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron or two-time Oscar winner Ang Lee. Even Spike Lee, the king of self-indulgence, does not go so far as to put his name in the titles.

Lee fucking Daniels?

As it turns out, it has to do with Warner Brothers claiming they own the rights to the name The Butler. Doesn't make sense to me. There are many movies out there that share a name. A recent example that comes to mind: Crash which has the same name as Crash.

But even if the explanation is somehow plausible, come up with a different name that is just a name. Call it The White House Butler. Call it, I dunno, The Presidencies. Call it The Years. For the love of all that is holy, call it The Dude Fella. I don't care.

Just don't call it Lee Daniels' The Butler.
