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More thoughts on jobs and working

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Two girls on our team were just let go, including my black fren.

Unreal. My fire-dar is good.

This sucks.
Yeah it is. Fok. I remember when my boss (who actually facilitated the merger) was done dirty and got fired out of the blue one day after a surprise shareholder meeting where his "partner" sold him out. The office was like a morgue for a week. He was trying to give me a heads up that my position was probably gone in about a year, and it ended up being him who got axed shortly after the merge. I'll never forget watching him clean out his office while the company attorneys stood guard. Some of the layoffs I saw coming, but never that one. Assholes.

Sorry Matty. Glad you are safe. Hopefully they get a decent severance package at least.
I remember working with a couple like that. One made me her nemesis and threatened to beat me up at a trade show, I laughed in her face then she threatened someone else. Then she made nice a few days later. Glad I don't have to deal with that anymore because it's like you forget about them then bam there they are in your face with their dumb shit again. They'll try to make a point of it so that you come around and feel like it's not a choice but to accept them but if you do you only get reminded once again how annoyingly stupid they are and boom record dumb repeat. I've made nice with both of them one that I really didn't get along with at all actually turned out to be really good at a pretty similar job so it's like a mutual respect thing.

Did you slip some X into Harmony's coffee yet?

Just glad I don't have to deal with any of that anymore. Competitors yes but that's the nature of the beast.

Machu how is the battlefield mang?
Sounds like tomorrow I am getting the news that Harmony is going away to China for a month.

I'm not actually supposed to know. I don't understand why. But I asked - about 60% jokingly - should I act surprised? And she replied - about 90% serious - yap.
Harmony has social get togethers. She is a wannabe professional party planner.

Should be no problem to act appropriately to the "news." I am pretty poker faced so no one would be expecting any kind of hysterics or freak-out or much of anything. I guess since I am supposed to be hearing for the first time, it makes sense to react like I did when I actually first heard: happy for her.

I think I can manage that.

I just wonder if they have gone and made some kind of plan for her absence before talking to me. That would be dumb but that's the way bosses think sometimes. Don't just get the thoughts of the most affected person - who also happens to be fairly smart. Just start making decisions.

Well we'll see about that.
Well then maybe you should be. Bring the Kendall Jackson Chardonnay and yes I know you don't drink you don't have to. Hey - looks like everyone also loves a designated driver. Seen many do it man also the drunks like to talk about how stupid you saw them act since you're the only one who can remember.

It's harder to 'party rape' when your the sober guy.

You can't be like "Oh wow we totally got way drunk at that party and banged in the spare bedroom."

"Sorry about that, but I as you, was blacked out drunk, and therefore not responsible for any rapings that may have occurred."

That's a tough one to pull when your the sober guy. But not impossible.
I have a certain kind of social retardation that makes parties out of the question. It's weird. Everyone that knows me would say I am very pleasant and a good conversationalist and whatever.

I have also done public speaking to groups of a hundred+ many times and am reasonably comfortable doing that.

But something about parties ----> pass.

On a separate note, we are having pizza brought in for lunch today.

IMO that is

The pizza lunch today is in honor of a contract worker who has been here for about a year for a maternity leave.

But chicky-poo who had the baby is going to be back on Monday.

Chick who is leaving is the huge, gigantic, fat, constantly-food-and-eating-focused chick I'm sure I have made reference to a few times on the forum.

She is probably the person I like 2nd least here. I get along with her just fine but I am not terribly sad to see her go.

I hope she doesn't mind if I have a small bit of the pizza.