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More thoughts on jobs and working

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We have a few governments as customers - with the federal being the biggest - but I think it is about one of the branches getting the day off because of the province they are in - and everyone whined and complained about unequal treatment - and management rolled their eyes and said fuck it. Let everybody have it.
Looks like Harmony is taking a 1-month leave of absence in about a month - to go to China.

The reason for going to China doesn't make a ton of sense to me. Like it's not necessary in any way. She has some friend who's a pilot and China needs pilots and is way over-paying for them - so her friend's family is moving there for a few years.

And Harmony is, I dunno, helping?

No real need to. Many people have moved many places without Harmony helping. But basically she just wants to - is what it amounts to. And the company is letting her.

Her husband is not going.

It's all just slightly weird to me. No question it makes my life more interesting - it shakes things up - although whether that is for the better or worse remains to be seen.
Trying to think of how this might give me some leverage. Other than drawing attention to how valuable I am - and me stressing that at my next performance review - which is still several months away - probably nothing immediate.

The interesting thing is how we strategize the month as a company. As it is a 1.5 person department - and even then we are seldom totally caught up - I will need help. It will be interesting if the one guy's name gets suggested as helper - just so I can make a statement that I would like as many people as possible to hear: that no, I would be better off working alone than having that lazy, incompetent idiot to babysit.
Storm's a-brewin' here. As I mentioned recently, my new desk is right across from HR, and these people normally leave very early, between 4:30pm and 5pm (I'm more the 5:30pm-6:00pm type) All of them but one were still there when I left, and I rode the elevator down with a VP who's normally a lot chattier. He was intently staring at his phone.

Storm's a-brewin' boys.

Not worried for my job, I'll be one of the last ones to sink with the ship, but I sense that tomorrow will be equal parts interesting and depressing.
Yeah dude that sucks dude seen it go down a few times dude and even though dude it's not you stressful as fok dude. What is going on there dude? Seems from the other things dude you said like profit has been there dude?

Dude, did you fart again? Dude if they are so bad that they are firing people to protect them you might want to adjust your diet. dude.
Sales are trending down and the board of directors is not the reactive type, they very much want to reach their cashflow targets for the year.

Some higher ups are prolly gonna get the axe too, this place is way too top-heavy.

We might indeed be peddled to someone else.
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