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More thoughts on jobs and working

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So, it's been a while since I ABC'd. I was feeling all down and out and crying the other morning over it.

I turned that shit right around. Bacon and I picked up one file, I picked up two today, and am busting ass on advertising/marketing stuff which my boss seems to appreciate. Great fucking day, I am so happy right now!!

Go get em Muddy

Gotta ask for what you want or you'll never get it
That's for sure. I was a amazed at work when people were afraid to ask for raises or things that should have been coming for them. Guess what, they didn't get them. Some of us who were vocal and had enough confidence in our abilities to ask..guess what, we got raises. Easy people!

In a few cases, people came to me to advocate for them which I did successfully a couple of times. Eventually I just told them to read "Getting to Yes" and was done with it.

Unless you are in a company with very structured pay scales and raise structures, you had best be advocating for yourself. No company is trying to spend more money on salaries.
It can be a fucked up situation depending on who you're dealing with though. Sure it's good to encourage your employees to be proactive but like anything else the bad seeds ruin it - that dickhead boss who will make you feel like you make him angry if you ask for that raise because he doesn't care about you enough to want to even take the time to entertain that conversation.
It can be a fucked up situation depending on who you're dealing with though. Sure it's good to encourage your employees to be proactive but like anything else the bad seeds ruin it - that dickhead boss who will make you feel like you make him angry if you ask for that raise because he doesn't care about you enough to want to even take the time to entertain that conversation.
I never ran into that personally, but I know many others who do. I think the people who translate into direct dollars for the company (people who are on commission and do well,) do better from a bargaining standpoint than the average clerical worker that they may see as more easily replaceable. I was told I was the only one at Wakefield who was even getting the opportunity to plead my case and bargain with the president when times were tough. We spent hours in the conference room. He hated conceding, but he knew he had no choice. I had been there too long, knew too much, and brought in too much money to risk losing me. Unfortunately the new owners after the merger did not see it that way...they just saw their own people making 1/4 of what I did, and started chopping from the top. I knew it was coming a year ahead of time though, so focused on saving as much as possible during that year. It was the best thing that could have happened to me in retrospect. My point though is that upper management will not respect those employees who don't respect themselves enough to advocate for themselves. If your boss is a dick however, and your job is something that is easily filled, it may backfire. Luckily I had a great relationship with my boss...except for the time I got drunk and threw a pool cue at him at a work function.
Does this work for people seeking facetime sessions with other forum members?

I'm asking for PuckOff.
Hell I don't know. I read it junior year in college. I don't even remember the basic strategies. Can't hurt though. I remember thinking it was helpful at the time.

Analytics. My new venture.
I don't know what that is, but good luck!
Well - give us the details! Common!

It's all about positioning. It's all about nuance.

I'm not even due for a raise for another three months but I get a feeling that stuff is going to be opening up before then - which will cause people to move to new positions - and then other people to shift to cover where the movers left. Seems almost impossible that it wouldn't touch on me.

So I'm just putting the vibe out there what I know I'm worth - and how I feel about straight desk jobs versus having a wider variety of responsibilities - so that if people are strategizing about me behind the scenes, they know that just throwing another 2K at me to go to a desk job - when I'm almost due for a good raise just continuing what I'm doing - where I'm happy - 2K is not going to cut the mustard.

NOT going to cut the mustard.

It is not simple.

2K would not be an unreasonable raise as a normal yearly cost-of-living increase. I would like more and would lobby for more, but percentage-wise, it would not be an absolute insult.

But if anyone wants me to go to a new position which I don't like as much as my current position - and they offer me 2K more for the "promotion" - (which is what the last guy got when he went from what I do to sales support) - then I don't want to reset the clock and not be eligible for another raise until a year from that.

I want that 2K plus still my C-O-L increase in October. Or, just to keep it simple, a double increase on the spot.

If you see what I mean.
Harmony is off sick today. Please pray for Harmony.

I see she keeps her one file drawer locked. That took me by surprise.

I had to check and see if my file drawer is even lockable. It is. In fact there are keys hanging out of it as we speak. I guess they have been hanging there the whole time. Did not know that. Maybe I should just take them and place them in the drawer. I'll possibly give it some thought at some future time.

Can't think of what I would ever want to lock in my file drawer though.

I never would have given 2 seconds thought to what is in Harmony's file drawer but now I am dead curious.