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More thoughts on jobs and working

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Yeah these pricks are starting to talk about what I've been saying for years. There's no way out of it. I'd prefer the public would be the owners, vote on what's needed, and distribute work fairly. But if we must have owners and we don't all wanna end up in prison, this is the other option.

Guess what I'm saying in examples before is that they're already doing that, except they're funneling the money through harmful jobs and bureaucracy.
little to do with what I want. I'm giving an impression of whats happening and why.
You ever address a foking point, or just repeat slogans and assumptions that have nothing to do with anything?

Ok, we'll go by what you think we should do. The public does own many businesses, its called the stock market. They hire people to make those decisions. Describe distributing work fairly. I don't know what that means. If you think the public needs their hand held to provide fair work for the whole, that's closer to communism than anything else.
In an ideal situation people would decide (vote) as a community on whats needed and how best to accomplish it. Like in a family or on a team. That would be most efficient use of resources. ...But that's more of an aside. That can only happen in revolution and yes that would be something like communism or anarchism.
no, I was like 19 at the time, didn't make much of a deal out of it.

I started having problems with dogs after I started getting allergic to them, which I 1st noticed years later. Still, I like dogs alright, but I do have a problem with the recent proliferation of dogs. Such as allowing (especially large) dogs in stores, casinos, apartments etc..
And I'm not crazy about the general concept of people being obsessed with their pets, and assuming that they are harmless, and everybody else should have to put up with them.
no, I was like 19 at the time, didn't make much of a deal out of it.

I started having problems with dogs after I started getting allergic to them, which I 1st noticed years later. Still, I like dogs alright, but I do have a problem with the recent proliferation of dogs. Such as allowing (especially large) dogs in stores, casinos, apartments etc..
And I'm not crazy about the general concept of people being obsessed with their pets, and assuming that they are harmless, and everybody else should have to put up with them.

I don't get the obsession with people taking their dogs shopping, out to wineries/breweries, etc.
Suck it up buttercup.

Is a phrase I have been using on myself lately.

It has to do with my Sundays where I have to get up at 6 am rather than the usual 9. It is quite a difference and I have thought about different ways to lessen the blow. Like maybe just going to bed and getting up earlier - like sleep from 11-6 - every night - therefore shifting my awake time on weekdays from late evening to the mornings - and not having a weird off-kilter night in there. Sounds okay in theory but it doesn't work out.

If I go to bed at 10:30 Saturday evening - or whatever - I won't be able to sleep - because my body is used to going to sleep around 1 or 2. But I could take a couple sleeping pills on Sunday eve and get 7-8 hours sleep anyway.

But pills are a terrible idea for me.

But I have decided the best approach is just to say fuck it. Go to bed @ midnight-ish on Saturday. I won't fall asleep immediately but whatever. Get 5 or 6 hours sleep, feel unhappy when the alarm goes off, but just force myself into action and within a couple minutes it is all forgotten.

Suck it up buttercup.
Sometimes I find something funny but I don't laugh. It's a different kind of funny.

It's genuinely funny - but the natural response for me is not laughter - it's to say, "That's funny."

Such a thing happened at work last week. A few of us were waiting for the timeclock to hit the time when it's okay to swipe out.

Suddenly the one guy starts a countdown ---> 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 . . .

And right on cue, the clock changed. And there was general laughter and joshing about. And the guy sez, "It's my Indian senses."

Because he is Indian - from India - but the nature of his witty remark is he is referring to Indian senses - like natives.

"That's funny."
Such a thing happened at work last week. A few of us were waiting for the timeclock to hit the time when it's okay to swipe out.

I worked a summer at the Labatt plant in MTL some 20 years ago and was witness to that strange ritual. Workers deathly afraid to punch out 2 minutes ahead of time. What do those two unproductive minutes spent next to the clock accomplish?

I would walk past these middle-aged fools and punch the fuck out. Rage against the machine.

A seasoned worker would invariably say to me: "Son, do you like your job?"

And I would say: "No!" and take the subway home, daydreaming about being the next Kurt Cobain.

I'm a terrible employee. :handshake:
Yeah we have very specific rules about swiping in and out and if you deviate you will be talked to. On repeated offenses, the vigor of those talkings-to will intensify up to and including, I assume, termination (not that I'm aware of that ever happening.)

Just the way it is. Franchise operation and everyone in 3 countries does the same things.

There are many things people look at and say, "That's silly. What does it matter? They should just lighten up and stop being so OCD."

But I can actually understand how we end up where we end up. Big picture. It's not just random OCD. There are slippery slopes and whatnot. People are lummoxes by nature and you can't just be casual with them.
I get nothing when I click on that Zack de la Rocha link. There is a tube there with a million + views and I click play and the time elapses.

But it's just a still picture and no sound.

It's a nice sparkly picture but nope.

Also it's not really a new single as advertised. Shows as being last summer.

So like what the hell?