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More thoughts on jobs and working

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Looks like I'll be getting redeployed and taking over Harmony's position for her Mat leave.

They have tried shuffling and training people to slide in there - so as not to disturb the department where I am now - because my current boss' general position on lending me out is NO! - but no one else can do it.

Valuable as fok, me.

Seeing if I can finesse a raise out of it.
Looks like I'll be getting redeployed and taking over Harmony's position for her Mat leave.

They have tried shuffling and training people to slide in there - so as not to disturb the department where I am now - because my current boss' general position on lending me out is NO! - but no one else can do it.

Valuable as fok, me.
That's no way to get a 5 month severance
Them (IT nerds) - We upgraded your shit. Try it now.
Us (Marketing douches) - Everything's broken.
Them - Okay now it's good. Try it.
Us - Everything's still broken the same way.
Them - Okay, give us a minute. Okay now everything's good. We think. Try it.
Us - :bashing:

I wish I could make a living out of breaking shit.

It is factored into how long you have to wait before benefits kick in - like if you got a 5 month severance, your normal waiting period of a couple weeks (or whatever) wouldn't start until after 5 months - but yeah.

Severance implies being let go through no particularly fault of your own, theoretically against your will. That's the main thing those benefits are supposed to be for.

That's how it used to work anyway.
I bonked myself on the head at work last week - put a small gash at the end of the eyebrow.

Had to stop for a few minutes to let it stop bleeding - no stitches required but held a damp paper towel to it for a bit - fine.

Here's where something happened. One guy starts wanting to put ice in a paper towel for it.

I'm kinda like, "Wut? No thank you?"

Pretty sure I have gone my entire life without ever icing an injury.

I don't get the concept. Pressing ice on a body part ---> just seems unpleasant to me. Seems like it would be cold.
Every year around Xmas, one woman at work buys lunch for the warehouse crew.

Not sure what point I'm making here.

She's not a boss. She is, for all intents and purposes, at the same level as us. Ground level grunt. She doesn't do this for other ground level grunts around the company. Just the motley warehouse crew.

It would make as much sense for me to buy her department lunch but I don't - because no one does - because ground level grunts don't buy lunch for other departments of ground level grunts. Bosses can do that - sure. That makes sense. Bosses make more money or, more to the point, can just charge it to the company.

I don't know. It was a very enjoyable pizza and accessories. It's nice of her I guess. It just strikes me as odd.
We had pizza, wings, breadstix, garlic bread w/cheese and a little candy pizza which was really an oversized chocolate chip cookie. Plus some dipping sauces.

In trying to get at the chicken wings, I accidentally spilled some sauce on the chocolate chip cookie pizza. Then later, I ate that piece. I thought it would be a bit of an adventure plus I felt responsible. My fault.

Here is my review of that: chocolate chip cookie with medium wingsauce ----> it's wrong.
So we have a thing at work called the Star Story. What happens is, you can nominate a co-worker for some above-and-beyond thing they do. If their story gets picked for the monthly checkpoint meeting, they get to spin the wheel.

The wheel is a selection of prizes. I think all of them are $150 for something. Various themes. An example might be dining out. So if someone gets that, they can spend $150 on dinner and a movie for the family - or whatever - and they get reimbursed.

And there is one spot on the wheel which is $500 cash. That's the big plum in the deal which comes up maybe once every 12 spins (??) Something like that.

ANYWAY I nominated Fun-Size for it - and they picked her - and - TA DA! - she won the $500!! So that was cool.

Even more cool - in a move I haven't seen before, they decided to give me a spin at the same time, just because they felt my nomination of her was thoughtful or whatever - and also general awesomeness.

Bada boom, bada bing - I won $150 for clothes.

So noice!