Hooligans Sportsbook

Maxim's Hot 100 - Katy Perry No. 1?


She is so disgusting and gross. I would rather die than let her felat'sh me.
isn't her 15 minutes up yet....i fucking hate this girl.

what makes you hate a celebrity? i understand don't liking them and not interested in their stuff but hate? the other night on 58th and lexington i was walking around midnight and they were shooting a movie on the sidewalk, i asked the lady blocking the people traffic who that was because I wouldn't be able to recognize most celebrities plus i need glasses and it was john leguizamo. when they finally let us pass he stepped to the side near the building, a couple of folks hurried up to him and one ran. i had ran out of gel that morning so my hair was all afro ed up and that must have caught his attention because when i was coming up like 3 meters away he turns his head and look at me and i'm looking at him and our eyes meet and stare and when i walk pass him at around 2 arms length i tell him 'oye parcero' and he just head nods at me. i don't care for any of them, except yolandi, but hate?