smh. You post a video of a bunch of good people helping refugees, and when it turns out they belong to an American Christian organization, then instead of admitting there are a lot of good Christians, your point is that some Christians want to send them back?
The majority of Americans oppose letting them in. Does that make most of America bad people? If they broke it down, I would imagine of the minority that want them in, the majority are Christian. My issue is with you holding them to a higher standard and focusing on the negative rather than the positive that they do....even after YOU posted the SP video...that Samarian's Purse, not Sport's Prescription btw. bwhahaha. Ok.
I can't argue the merits of Christians anymore. You did it for me with the video anyway. No matter what I say, and what numbers I could present, it wouldn't be good enough. You claimed very few Christians were actually did any good. There are 100,000 SP volunteers in the U.S. alone. Is every Christian handling this right by your definition? no. But to say that few Christians actually do any real work is just absurd.