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I originally thought this thread was about breakfast sausages. Now its really wandered off course.

Jimmy Dean!

I realize this. However, there are a bunch that are truly gone. Where is Dunder, Amby, Immortality, Hawk, topgame, Herman, InTheHole, Vegas Dave, etc.?

Focker, I've been posting here somewhat regularly the past week. Recently there was a month stretch where I wasn't posting anywhere. Too busy.

For someone like me looking for light-hearted fun on the forum, not a good sign when threads full of personal nastiness dominate the night's festivities. Sets a tone, doesn't it? Make this a regular occurrence and the forum might be left with a handful of angry drunks rippin' each other to shreds.

Since the bone of contention for many here is RBS being favoured over GL as the #1 place to hang, let's get that out of the way. Small town vs the big city. Some are attracted to the bright lights. I'm one of them. I'm in my element on a large forum. So is Bread, he must be going crazy here. Small forums also tend to be cliquish, Facebook friendship being part of it at GL from what I've seen. There's no way I'd want to be part of that after seeing what happened to Pavyracer, having family pics from inside his FB account splattered on the forum as part of an attack on him. Where I come from, if you've been entrusted with someone's personal identifying info, pics, whatever...you keep it to yourself. It's not to be used against them if you later find yourself at odds with them.

There's been mention of Amby and Mrs X bailing. I haven't been reading enough of this forum to know what happened. Friction between members on a small forum will cause departures much more easily than on a large forum. One of the biggest problems with small forums. Can't we all just get along? Indeed...

Dunder - Man we do miss Dunder.
Amby - Hiding behind your shoulder, apparently.
Immortality - Ghosting here as someone else.
Hawk - Sneaking a peek at his sister in the shower. (oops there is that alienating attitude again. lol)
Topgame - Who?
Herman - This is actually the most valuable missing poster. Herman where the fuck are you??
InTheHole - I'm going to go out on a ledge and say he is at SBR.
Vegas Dave - Busy updating his football rankings. Duh.

Bread, I've always taken everything you've said to/about me in good fun but this time I'll take exception. After reading this thread you were obviously in a foul mood last night, not to be taken jokingly. Your comment above was used by me as an example of the type of comments I endured from kids, and why it wouldn't bother me for posters to say things. I tried to explain myself after some of you guys thought I left because of words on a screen. Bread, you throw that out there like it's an inbred hick looking at his siblings to get his rocks off. That's sick, dude! There's some real stuff about you people could bring up if they want to be nasty, like asking if you still slap Robyn around after you lose bets. Tough guy...

I'm off my soapbox....
Hawk, yes I still slap Robyn around often.

Hawk, grow a fucking pair or go fuck off with the rest of them.

You see? It's just that simple.


PS...I'm doing just fine over here. Rather enjoy the small group that is currently assembled. But then again, I am a senior member of the Circle Jerk Club.
Yes. It's killing me.

And I will just say real quick, like I've said before, that the move I pulled on Pavy was one of the meanest things I've ever done to someone online. I've apologized to him for it and he's said he forgives me. I hope it's sincere because I enjoy Pavy as a poster and met in in person and he seems like a decent guy.

And here is your hidden gem for the day - Back when that happened, Pavy was such a thorn in SBR's side that the power-that-be fully gave me the green light to go after him. They encouraged my internet crushing. I was nothing more than a paid assassin.

And Sickler I have no problem with you either. But fucking Christ you said some outrageously hilarious shit about your sister that many here will joke about forever. I don't know if you noticed, but sisters are a bit of a hot topic around here. We all want to fuck all of them. Just not our own. OK maybe Fischy wants to fuck his own.

Just fucking relax. I do not think you're a hick. You dress up in leather for Christ's sake. I'm not sure what you are, but you are not a hick.