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Don't quit your day job iag. We've established in this thread that MA is two party consent (actually a bar on secret recording, essentially two party consent). Never said caspy was expert. Just used that point to pay for testimony be legit and quite commonplace. Hell, we don't even know what proceeding he'd be testifying in (civil, criminal, court of public opinion, just cause hearing, etc). In any of those its probably permissible that he's paid.

Permission to approach the bench...

I'll concede the two party consent deal if you had already established that specific to MA No coffee yet...I'm surprised as I really thought most states had gone to single party consent.

In any case, I don't know that paying fact witnesses is commonplace...other than a minimal amount if at all. Like I said, expert witnesses of course are different. We can agree to disagree on that one.
Maybe Casper is referring to some "reasonable hourly fee," but it didn't read that way...maybe that's just me knowing Casper. I think in Federal Courts, FW can not be paid.

Boner, why don't you become a criminal lawyer? The forums could probably be big business.

Good day counselor.

Casper help the dentist get Ben, then turn around and sue him for recording and publishing your call. Two for one.
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CIs are often paid thousands of dollars (I realize Casper is not a CI) in federal and state criminal trials. Pay for testimony is a theme that runs throughout the U.S. court system.
Well that's a whole different ball game counselor. I'm speaking specifically as to fact witnesses, not expert or informants.

Boner become a criminal lawyer. It doesn't pay as much, but it's much more interesting.
Talked to my roommate in Charlotte. I'm moving out April 1st. Going to move to Sturbridge, MA.

I have the hotel until Thursday. Staying here until the 17th. I have a dentist appointment that day. Will head back to Chatlotte afterwords to pack. I reserved a hotel to stay at in April (sans the 3 days I'll be in Cincinnatti meeting Natalie).

Will bet blackjack at Twin River in RI and tend bar.

Today meeting Hassan to give him notarized letters and collecting food $$.

I will probably go to casino from his place and play a little. Hopefully turn what he gives me into a couple of extra $$.