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Is anyone watching Rubicon?

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I watched episode 3 of Rubicon last night and was very put off.

I want to talk about this just a bit because I'm hoping someone will point out something I am missing.

*very minor spoiler alert*

There was a little arc surrounding the name Travers that seemed dumb to me beyond anything LOST would ever have done. So there is this series of numbers that the guy printed on the back of a piece of tape on his motorcycle seat. Fine. And even though the guy who was given the bike doesn't follow baseball, he fortuitously makes the connection to Yankees World Series wins through a chance meeting with the mopey son of the dead guy. Fine. So the guy who left the code there basically knew this exact series of connections would happen. Fine.

So our hero takes the information to the black guy who looks at one date, connects it to one obscure, random happening on that date (of all the obscure random things that happen on any given date). The obscure event he picks out was not even about the Yankees but whatever - that's the connection he makes. And of all the many, many people connected to the obscure happening, he picks out one - a pitcher named Travers. Lo and behold by the end of the episode, it appears to have been the correct minute detail to pick out - because that agent guy tailing our hero is named Travers.

I guess it remains to be seen how having his last name said out loud is going to make a difference. I can't complain about that yet.

But I have a bunch of issues. Not just the hugely improbably sequence of connections - but the way these genius analytical guys basically just accept right away that that's what they are being led to without acknowledging all the vast gray area and room for interpretation.

And what about soon-to-be-dead guy himself (whom I don't believe is dead but that's another story). This is how he passes information along to out hero? He wants him to have the name Travers so this is how he conveys it? He had every opportunity to say, "By the way dude, the name Travers is important." But instead he turns it into a time-consuming, rife-with-room-for-error-if-it-is-even-discovered-at-all puzzle?


Did anyone else have a problem with what they fed us there?
i think it was more or less the tape leading him to the gun in the seat and the code on the back of the tape just being there for the hell of it. something those code breaking guys did for fun i guess. who knows, maybe it will play a roll in something. the dudes at the end seemed pretty pissed that he was still working on the clover conspiracy though, so im going to keep watching.
Jesus you guys, this is a knock off of Three Days of the Condor. These clowns live in this run-down building and glue obscure clues together for some obscure clandestine three-letter Gov't agency that makes Jason Bourne's clandestine org look like a bunch of Sunday School teachers. Roll wid it!

Or would you rather watch Jersey Shore?
I have had it pointed out to me that I misunderstood one thing. Travers is actually Will's name, not one the agents. I misunderstood the conversation between those agents in the laundromat.

Does that make the convoluted code-breaking logic more forgivable? Only slightly.

It reminded me of that South Park episode where the satire-of-a-Jeff-Goldblum-character went through a similarly random stream-of-consciousness process to crack a code:

Jeff: Wait a minute! Butt sex!
Chef: Butt sex?
Jeff: Butt sex requires a lot of lubrication, right? Lubrication. Lubruh... Chupuh... Chupacabra's the, the goat killer of Mexican folklore. Folklore is stories from the past that are often fictionalized. Fictionalized to heighten drama. Drama students! Students at colleges usually have bicycles! Bi, bian, binary. It's binary code!
yeah muddy..will travers...not sure how you got lost on that one..

village idiot...i will have smitch make the call and have god strike you down...DOWN... if i ever hear another negative word about Jersey Shore again...its quawawiddy programming guey.
this thread keeps sticking it's way towards the top of the page. I was forced to open it. Thought Rubican was a Jeep or something.:dunno:

How do you guys follow so many shows? Or why am I so disinterested in TV drama? I mean I can't watch more than 5 minutes of this stuff anymore. I used to look forward to the Sopranos. Where did I go wrong. I don't know.
this thread keeps sticking it's way towards the top of the page. I was forced to open it. Thought Rubican was a Jeep or something.:dunno:

How do you guys follow so many shows? Or why am I so disinterested in TV drama? I mean I can't watch more than 5 minutes of this stuff anymore. I used to look forward to the Sopranos. Where did I go wrong. I don't know.

I'm the same way. The only thing I really watch is CNBC in the morning.
yeah muddy..will travers...not sure how you got lost on that one..

It seemed to me like one character was calling the other Travers. They mumble a lot in this show.

Not only did I not know at the time Will's name was Travers, I didn't know Will's name was Will. That's why I have kept referring to him as "our hero" in this thread. This show is really not grabbing me and getting me invested. I couldn't tell you the name of any of the characters off the top of my head.
Ah. I taped episode 4 but haven't watched it yet. I expect I will check it out in the next couple days. The show is on a hanging-by-a-thread, episode-by-episode basis for me.

After this report, it is hard to be optimistic.