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I am doing a budget

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The chicken thing makes sense in principle and it's a good suggestion, but it doesn't work here. It just doesn't. I can do better dollar-wise buying selective anatomy as the rotating sales come round.

It's not a laziness/effort thing at all. Cooking a whole chicken is no more work than the chicken cooking I do. I can cook whatever, however.

Plus I prefer dark meat so if I can get, like, 6 leg quarters, which is more chicken, for less $$$ than a whole chicken - it's a win-win-lose.

The chickens being the ones losing out.

From LA Times

About 13,000 people on public assistance tumble into homelessness every month in Los Angeles County, according to a new study that experts say provides the clearest picture yet of extreme poverty in the region.

Although many quickly find work or rely on family to get off the streets, the number experiencing "continuous, unremitting, chronic homelessness" continues to grow, even after 10,000 people were housed over the last three years, according to the report being released Tuesday by the Economic Roundtable, a nonprofit research group in Los Angeles.


The latest official homeless count found 44,000 people living in county streets in a three-day period in January, a 12% increase in two years. The survey also found a 37% rise in chronically homeless people. But it has long been acknowledged that many more move in and out of homelessness throughout the year.
We subscribe to this thing called Chef's Plate where they send you ingredients and recipes to make 3 meals a week. You get a refrigerated box every Monday. It's a little bit amazing. It's just like cooking minus the planning and produce-shopping. I have not hated a single meal so far, and a handful were outstanding, e.g. a Mexican-spiced tilapia with mango salsa.

Any Ontarians interested in signing up are welcome to use the referral link below. You get 4 free plates (2 meals for 2) and I get 2.

Do it, Ontarian bitches.

Those pre-prepped meal services are good and I think they're a slight savings over ordering delivery from restaurants... but really? Just cook! Make the jump to full on planning 3 meals a week and get the ingredients. If you enjoying cooking, planning a healthy and financially reponsible weeknight menu cooking can be a real joy.

Do y'all have online ordered groceries like fresh direcT or peapod? The one thing you kind of miss between fully planned and prepped meals is some of the unique one use ingredients such as some herbs or obscure veggies. But with a little planning (e.g. eat three things that use basil in one week) you can still enjoy those things to some degree.
we used to to full on plan and cook 5-6 meals a week

my wife takes Joy in it

but she also takes joy in painting 1 of our 24 rooms after work with a glass of wine and some music or a HBO Go tv series on the computer. In the summer we like to go out for walks or drive to the new 606 walkway here in Chicago or meet with friends. Longer slower foreplay periods with sensual lovemaking and holding and cuddling are nice, without having to play beat the clock and make sure the lights are off at a certain time to get the required sleep to function for work tomorrow.

our Social Lives and Joy are worth the small amount of $ increase we pay
Neat. We've done blue apron dot com. Think the cost was between $7-13/meal per person. Seemed about a %100 increase over grocery cost.

Probably saves between 15-30 mins of active cook time in addition to the time save from planning at the beginning of the week.

As long as you do the cost benefit. Like I said it's a savings over ordering delivery (and likely much better for you).
Found my store.

Talkin' bout my store.

This will be my main grocery destination from now on. No Frills store I drive right past on my commute home.

It has many things I like. It's handy, not crowded, it's like 4 times the size of the one by my place. It's clean, well-stocked, same kind of deals - but more of them.

And the kicker: it has fresh-faced young checkout girls who seem like their whole lives are ahead of them. It's not like my old place where it was haggy older women all silently waiting for each other to die.

Good teeth too. The checkout girls at the new place. Not yearning for death and good dentals.

My place.
This is all going very well, I feel.

Grocery (food + toiletries/cleaning stuff etc.) spending for the last 3 months:

July - $248
Aug - $294
Sep - $269

I find that very acceptable. Good.

One thing I'm doing that I believe helps - don't ask me why: paying for most things in cash. I take out a chunk of cash each month or so - say, 400 bucks - and I pull from that.

Anyway, even with a few unexpected little expenses coming up regularly, I am spending less than I am bringing in. Not a lot less - with my razor-thin margin that would be impossible - but less anyway.
As well as I seem to be doing with my budgeting - I could do better. I don't make sufficient use of dollar stores.

On the rare occasions when I pop into one - needing batteries today for example - I browse around and see 8 things I know I paid more for in the last couple weeks.

It's not a question of location. There is a Dollarama RIGHT THERE.

Just gotta integrate it into my tao.