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How many REAL friends do you have?

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I would also say 0, and that includes the wife. I just can't trust anybody that much to consider them a true friend, everybody has an adgenda in my book, and it is rarely in line with mine.
That pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter too. I'm friendly with about three people, and they all consider me a "true friend" but the feeling isn't reciprocal. As a general rule I don't leave myself vulnerable to anyone, and I think that precludes having "true friends."
i have a handful of really solid REAL friends...known each other over 25 years and are all close. may not see 1 of them as much as i used too, but thats what happens when one of you gets married and has a kid...he is still my very best friend though. no occasion goes by for any of us without the others being involved. very tight knit group to say the least...maybe its because nobody else can stomach hanging out with us or we just cant tolerate other people for very long, who knows... these guys i talk to almost daily and see each other at least a few days a week. obviously, some things are left out, but in general, whats mine is theirs and whats theirs is mine

i also have 2 female friends that help make my world go round...sometimes theres just things that the other sex understands and its so much easier, to me, to talk to them than it is to a guy friend...especially if about a woman. Believe it or not, it is possible to have great friends of the other sex...i have been intimate with both and you would think thats usually a deal breaker when it comes to friendship, especially if you decide not to date...but not with these 2 friends...im probably emotionally attached to both of them more than i am my current gf.

the number of GOOD friends i have is up there too and i really think these friends are the ones that keep everyday life normal...so many guys from the country club i grew up at would do anything in the world for me and vice versa...so i agree with matty in that some of you people need to surround yourselves with a better group of people or something. maybe just put yourself in a situation to be around more people could do the trick. its great to have those few very best friends and all, but the more people you have around you, the better imo.