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How many REAL friends do you have?

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"They're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats!
Jan 27, 2010
Plommer has ONE, ONE real friend on the entire planet.

Yes, I have a whole bunch of aquaintances, guys I went to school with, gambled/partied with or worked with, etc.

This one pal has been there for me since we became friends as kids back in 1976, he has never let me down, not even once. I wish I could say the same, but I have let my friend down a few times - and I feel like shit when I think about it.

To my friend G.A.B :highfive:
I have 2 a completely trust would do almost anything for me and occasionally have, have another 3 that are not as solid but still really close, then I do know probably another 1000 that I hang with, work with, party with that I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw them.
Interesting question.

The answer is 3. That's counting my girlfriend. I'm not sure if that should go in a different category but I'll go with it.

I have a whole bunch of people I have met through the addictions recovery community that I am very close to in a way. I have talked about intimate, personal stuff with them that I don't talk about with my "best friend." We would go to great lengths for each other and that is very real. But it is somehow different.

So the answer is 3.

About a year ago, the answer would have been 4 but lending money caused problems in a long-term friendship and ultimately blew it up.
I am a better friend to my friends than they are friends to me.
That sucks when you stop and think about it.

Sorry to hear that buddy! But since your broken in already don't forget when you hit Orlando, first 3 rounds on you for your true friends and designated driver at the end of the night! Your the bestest of friends! :yes:
wally, i dont see anything wrong with being that "better friend" than the rest of the group... be it moral, emotional or financial support, as long as you arent "used", theres a very good feeling that goes along with being the dependable one and the person that people can rely on in their times of need. if you feel used, then thats another story.