Hooligans Sportsbook

Hockey Hall of Fame (HHOF) selection today

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Clark Gillies (GP 958, G 319 , P 697) is another example of a guy who was at the right place, at the right time. A team dynasty shouldn't automatically get you in the HOF. Isn't it supposed to be an individual honor?
Clark Gillies (GP 958, G 319 , P 697) is another example of a guy who was at the right place, at the right time. A team dynasty shouldn't automatically get you in the HOF. Isn't it supposed to be an individual honor?

That is my thinking.

Hate to say it but you could make a similar case about Guy Lapointe. Good player - good contributor - not saying he wasn't - so was Gillies. But basically solid role players who were along for the ride.
Muddy let's take this outside NOW.

Just looked up Gilles stats that say in roughly 1000 games 700 points! Not bad but this is the telling stat IMO!

Bossy had 516 of his goals and Trottier 397 goals when Gilles was their linemate. TY very much guys!
I always think of Howe for defense first. He was smothering. He was like a vortex that sucked in all attempts at offense.

So no Andreychuk. That is a head-scratcher for me.

Not that I was ever totally wowed by Dave Andreychuk - but I would think 640 goals is getting into automatic territory. Kinda like Mike Gartner really. Never a guy you would think of to build your fantasy team around - but 640 goals is 640 goals.