Hooligans Sportsbook

Hobby Lobby vs Sebelius

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How are all those extra tax dollars working in Chicago FW?

Your streets, schools, and crime rates all good now?

I mean, I already know the answer, but sometimes you gotta laugh, because it's easier than explaining the greed of man.

Funny as Channel 5 was looking for the biggest potholes in the city and within an hour of them reporting the winner, it was patched (on a Saturday, probably on OT).
Al-Jazerra Network is very good.

Definitely no bias there.

Plus Hilary Clinton endorses it, so it must be good.

If you don't agree with everything a black guy or a woman say you are a racist or a misogynist, I have figured that much out, so I stopped disagreeing with them. You know, there's a war on women.
A corporation is faceless. If they don't believe in it, don't be a corporation. There are a lot of things I don't believe in with my tax money but am forced to. Whose to say they are not playing the religion angle to get out of offering it? Are they more religious than the owners of Wal Mart? Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?

the state shouldn't dictate coverage minimums/maximums. corporations, business, small business - should not be forced to even offer coverage.
Definitely no bias there.

Plus Hilary Clinton endorses it, so it must be good.

If you don't agree with everything a black guy or a woman say you are a racist or a misogynist, I have figured that mush out, so I stopped disagreeing with them. You know, there's a war on women.

Oh Lord, thanks for telling me. Major strike against them.
100% agree. Better off making everyone pay for it thru taxes like Canada does if that is Obama's goal. This will be a nightmare as the younger workers are not signing up.

yep - and i understand what you are saying.

for example - family coverage for me - $500/month - $1500 ded - open network

expensive but good plan - happy with it

now - i believe that if i could find a better plan - i should be able to find one - let the market compete

never handcuff the market
take all the money companies have to spend on insurance and pay directly for medical needs of the population. Eliminate 3rd parties such as insurance co and accountants. Would cost less and provide better service.

But this would eliminate empty enterprise and profit. Not to mention dependency on employment. Can't have that in current system.
take all the money companies have to spend on insurance and pay directly for medical needs of the population. Eliminate 3rd parties such as insurance co and accountants. Would cost less and provide better service.

But this would eliminate empty enterprise and profit. Not to mention dependency on employment. Can't have that in current system.

What if you have a employee with cancer? Your company is wiped out. Under your proposal, no one with a pre-existing condition will ever get hired.