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Good morning Gamelive

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Weird day. Drank way too much last night especially in this heat I won't last much longer if I keep doing that.

Felt the need to test myself which I guess wasn't that smart but walked a few miles in the heat to a basketball court. I still have a decent set shot and the hook is still there but my jump shot is nothing short of pathetic, it will get there.

Making a doctor's appointment in the AM about the slight occasional chest tightness and the headaches. I'm sure he'll tell me I'm a drunk asshole which I know but I have to be sure I won't collapse somewhere as it's complicated and expensive.

Fucking still an assignment due wtf and a final essay due tomorrow.

Had an exchange with pretty cute girl today in convenience store.

After being in a relationship that spans nearly decade I honestly have no idea on "signals" so advice is welcome.

I am walking back form the basketball court and I am a sweaty mess with rum probably coming out of my pores.

She is sitting on the curb smoking.

I open with "Boy this heat huh"

She follows me in with "I know right"

I get some water.

She gives me a "Will there be anything else sweetie"

Now when it comes to the term "sweetie" I there are 3 likely scenarios:

-Older women saying it as a habit

-Younger women saying it to be flirty

-Anyone saying it to be nice

I took it to be the 3rd.

I bounce back with "Yeah you can put an air conditioner in my place"

She gives me a small smile, I chuckle.

On my way home I realized I basically told her that I am poor by saying that.
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Weird day.

After about 2.5 hours of sleep had a good day of work and a decent work out. After the workout I biked to the basketball courts and it was pretty good.

Biked back feeling money as I have felt so sick lately.

Then a reminder of how fucked up the Marla situation really is reared its head.

3 kids, well not kids for 2 of them 1 18 year old and his hot gf and their 10 year old kid outside the pizza place when I return, right next to my home.

They were pretty much like wtf? You have your own place? What about the one you and Marla were moving into?

She hasn't told them and I had to lie.

It hit me hard because they were impressionabe kids who have looked up to me and now I am a liar based on her lies.

The thing is though it made me not care after the initial conversation and the initial response. My lies now reflect her lies and the whole thing is fucked and I don't give a shit no more lies.

I know, Sevendust. But wow nice ride girl WTF are you anymore.

Much more importantly I have, on Gamelive, provably predicted fading 2 of the top 3 pitchers in baseball in Halliday and Jimenez.

Don't need much else besides the last part myself.
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7.21 -

No update 7.20 because crazy and great day and now that AC is in I had my first decent sleep in months. Fucking beautiful, not much else to say.

Of note - First off I want to address something with all of you because you deserve that respect - the situation with the WU possible scam that turned out not to be.

Have you ever been in a truly fucked situation? I mean fucked like fucked up. Try broken down car, new place in the sticks because you had to out of nowhere because of emergency break up situation. Used almost all of your funds to set everything up in the new place and using upcoming pay for fixing the car. Blah blah blah, you get the point. block it all out of your mind and your present moment is constantly working your ass off in the real estate industry or online classes. That's how it all started. I know it's ridiculous be it my situation to do it and I would have paid either way just may have been based on some nice commissions I am receiving soon so there was a plan there. The result though - from my new place constantly being over 90 degrees and my wondering if I would have heat stroke in it to AC installed now and feeling better than in a long time. So, not proud of how it developed but, thank God for the result. We also established that I am a paranoid crazy fuck but we knew that going in - bottom line is the investment for a taxi to come get me, take me to get the WU cashed was $70 altogether. Sick I know. Freeroll AC though in a dire situation so there you have it.

Marla came over. Was very amicable. She drew up agreements for the furniture for and furniture, Credit cards we had a mutual interest in, etc. I said just give them to me I will sign them all. She is a very good and fair person and the fact she took hours of her time is a tribute to her passion towards our relationship. I told her they are great but we could see a notary to make them official (I am a one, but you can't notarize your own shit) because I know how it works. She said no. I will honor them as if we did either way. To be honest I am hoping the good sleep has everything to do with the AC and nothing to do with seeing her and it going well. I am thinking it is somewhere in between. Still love her but I just don't think I have enough in common with her family to be in that spot anymore because what they say goes with her and what I think doesn't matter as we have established, and I will never accept that.

Called her uncle right after and offered him the job to do the car work, he accepted. Killed 2 birds with one stone and told him about the break up since it was his son and friends that had seen me out here and had thought I was setting a double life instead of knowing the truth, that my ass got dumped and kicked out. Awkward, had to be done, no reason for 50 people in a 30 mile radius to hate me now.

All in all things are moving forward which is cool and school is around the corner. My poor barreled in opponent lost to me again last night as Tiny Tim let me down but I still got the win. That's 5-0, good time. He wants more action, I won't give it I make one value pick here and there and that's it I hate bets to just have action. Since we have opposing views it might not work. I am hoping it does.

Can air conditioning save a life? It's possible. Enjoy your day Gamelive. Even though I have all but assassinated my character here I keeps it on the real, I still heart you.
7.22 -

For those of you who have played the EA Sports NHL Games I definitely feel like my 'momentum meter' is getting there.

Of note -

-Great work out 7.21
-Landed a new 'cupcake file' as I like to call them. These are people who we keep with the same lender, slash the rate, charge almost no fees and get paid a healthy premium for it. Not even an appraisal necessary. Everyone walks away happy. They are ideal.
-The AC continues to be life changing. I really do feel like I was on the verge of having heat stroke in my home for about a week. Now I don't.
-Decent work at the courts doing some old school drills.
-Woke up at like 4 am and had a few beers and ended up launching into some Entourage on Demand and PS3. Single life FTW. In my half asleep buzzed state didn't think about the ramifications and saw my buddy joined the facebook group "heard you're dating my ex. how do i taste?". not 3 minutes later I got sa text message that I don't need to share with you. I am no longer a member of that group but enjoyed a good laugh.

WTF with the Padres last night, I'm calling shannanigans.

Good day Gamelive.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
7.27 - Well I made you all aware of most of my day. There was an event lest night was probably the scariest of my life.

Went kind like this:

Marla comes over to bring me some food and Nyquil

We start to leave to goto minimart and to buy procucts to get me rehydarted

As we are leaving the house, my arms go completely numb. My hands start to cench up beyond my control. I fucking thught I was having a stroke, told here to get me to a hosoital.

Bloodwork sucks. Most of the nurses were cute and polite. Some IV's etc a lot of sitting around. EKG. X-Ray

Excellent moment when the doctor concluded the visit by telling me my problems are all alcohol related (with Marla there).

I then received a diatribe from Marla the entire way home about the drinking. How can I possibly have a retort to that now.

Good to know I'm not a heart attack or stroke risk though those were my main concerns.

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