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Good morning Gamelive

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As we are leaving the house, my arms go completely numb. My hands start to cench up beyond my control. I fucking thught I was having a stroke, told here to get me to a hosoital.

I have been through that same thing. It scared the shit out of me. I remember thinking how I had lost my hands and therefore could never play the piano/guitar again which were hugely important to me at the time. In retrospect it was kind of silly to focus on that. Losing my hands would affect a hell of lot more than just music. Hands are pretty important. But I was drugged out of my head.

As I recall the condition was a result of dehydration and also hyperventilating. The hyperventilating was a cascading effect that got worse as the panic increased. I didn't know I was doing it.

Anyway it all settled down eventually.

That was a weird time in my life. Heavy substance abuse. I had three ambulance rides to emergency in a 2 week span - overdoses and whatnot - I could easily have died - I had a couple of stays in the psych ward. You'd think it all would have been enough to scare me straight on the spot but no. I still had a few more years of drinking to do. One big wasted chunk of my life.
I have been through that same thing. It scared the shit out of me. I remember thinking how I had lost my hands and therefore could never play the piano/guitar again which were hugely important to me at the time. In retrospect it was kind of silly to focus on that. Losing my hands would affect a hell of lot more than just music. Hands are pretty important. But I was drugged out of my head.

As I recall the condition was a result of dehydration and also hyperventilating. The hyperventilating was a cascading effect that got worse as the panic increased. I didn't know I was doing it.

Anyway it all settled down eventually.

That was a weird time in my life. Heavy substance abuse. I had three ambulance rides to emergency in a 2 week span - overdoses and whatnot - I could easily have died - I had a couple of stays in the psych ward. You'd think it all would have been enough to scare me straight on the spot but no. I still had a few more years of drinking to do. One big wasted chunk of my life.

Yeah I think we had the same thing. So fucking scary. I don't drugs by I drink a ton.

Seriously couldn't feel arms and no control over hands. So fucked up.

Glad to know I'm not dieing, expect in the Sylvia Platt sense of the word.
Stevie, you have been producing some very interesting and entertaining posting of late but didn't realize you might have been on a never ending bender. You have too cut down on the drinking for sure!

"I am capable of very irrational decisions that seem rational at the time." Maybe I'm completely wrong but you either have to get your ex completely out of your life or just go back to her?
Stevie, you have been producing some very interesting and entertaining posting of late but didn't realize you might have been on a never ending bender. You have too cut down on the drinking for sure!

"I am capable of very irrational decisions that seem rational at the time." Maybe I'm completely wrong but you either have to get your ex completely out of your life or just go back to her?

I know, but thank God she was there to drive me to the hospital last night man. Agreed on the bender. If I were a Dr. i would have just laughed my ass off at me.

So this is detoxing then. Wake up in a cold sweat with a pounding headache and some shaking. Do not want.

Got the car back today. Man, another fucked up experience. So Marla comes over with it as dusk is turning to evening. Well thing I forgot is the lights are fucked up - no brights, and the bulbs that are in there are all fucked up to the tune of almost no lights at all. Long story short I'm holding on for dear life as she is flying down dark unlit rural roads where multiple people hit deer a year.

We got to her place. She gave me the final mountings for a table of mine that I have the rest of the parts for. Finally a fucking table. I made it back not being able to see shit. God bless America.

Work decided that it's be good for me to come down next week to handle some old files and for some more training. Those files will be some serious paydirt I think, and I do believe they will shack me up someplace decent. I could do without it being 6 hours away but shit, beggars and choosers right. Might have to split that drive up in 2 days at this point, and will need my brights fixed for it.

Semester's wrapping up with school. 1 B clinched, other will be a C or a B. That would have infuriated me 1 year ago. At this point I am not proud but I will take it.

Need a weight bench in here dumbells just aren't enough anymore. I need to establish that strong puffy chest for RJ's nipple picture. Really the answer is regular bench presses AND incline along with decline, along with the other usual work. It's gonna be great. Just great.

Stevek174 keeps telling me that he is better for this world than me. I like to think we can coexist. He doesn't. Not sure on the result there.

My boss tried to get me to seduce this 1 client of ours that I have these crazy conversations with. "You are going to have to get used to lower standards for a couple months" he said, and "did you notice that she is an organ donor?" I laughed pretty hard, knowing he is probably right to an extent. Should provide for some interesting context for those interested. Anyone know where I can get a decent hatcam?

Make sure to tell her it's just a tumor.
Boy did I have to take of business for this retarted Emo fuck today.

Ok, where to begin.

Last night 173 or "Cornelius" as I like to call him drinks and dials Marla. Bad bad bad. She fucks with him, you know the rest. I did manage to jump in at one point and got her brother to give me his word that his household would not be bashing 173 anymore. I sure hope he keeps it.

This morning it was me when our eyes opened. Decided to fuck back with Marla. Ends in me screaming that her Dad is a complacent pathetic loser for all the wold to hear. We lost cabin pressure then. Yes it was unfair what I said and not completely true but the point was to get her away from us. No longer FB friends, the whole 9 yards. 173 jumps in after and tries to clean it up by being pathetic. It's done 173, deal with it. Pay her what you promised keep the car and deal with pain. Sorry pal, feel better.

Things are coming along with the italian restaurant. Before I made Marla hate me she informed me that the girls in the dishroom like bringing food to me because I tip well. I followed that up with a large Antipasto and bread last night and the owner personally took the order, knew who I was and told me to come in and he would buy me a beer. We are talking about a very, very influential person in the commonity. As soon as the shift is fully complete I will do that in a suit just for shits and gigs. He's gonna love me. It could go places.

For any of my real peeps here (Ray ray, Daft) I subscribed to Videobox.com. I shared it with an ex roomate who has a particular talent for looking at the best shit. Simply follow the account history, and magic. If talent for finding the best porn (meaning the best POV 3somes, the hottest chicks, etc.) were a real job that I could employ someone for he would be instantly hired. Holler at me if you want it, but you have to be someone who I really like. Enough IPs on it and it's the ban hammer.

Just had an amazing workout. Through all this my strength grows in every way. Did a couple of jumps. Karch said no plyos on carpet so have to watch that.

I did find something 173 might be able to do. He played guitar for about 90 minutes today and it was an amazing jam for someone who has played twice in like 5 years I would say. He might actually be able to make us some money eventually. 173 TAKE YOUR EMO SHIT THERE AND NOWHERE ELSE THAT IS THE ONLY PLACE PEOPLE WILL LIKE IT.

Time to continue the bender,and blowing up shit in Call of Doodie. Surround sound rocks. Hiding the phone from 173. 173 IF YOU TOUCH THE FUCKING PHONE TONIGHT IT'S YOU AND ME TUMBLING DOWN THE STAIRS YOU FUCK AND YOU WILL BE CRYING IN THE MORNING. I reckon trying the surround sound porn thing too. Might piss off the neighbors but we are establishing my existance and here and I do wtf I want that simple, as long as I pay the bills. Tried it earlier but the burner on this computer might be done and obviously I can't burn porn on the work computer. Wait, can I?
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