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gonna lose weight the only way I know how

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they say so... i lose anywhere from 2-3 lbs overnight if i sleep a full 8 hours... i wake up to a shake and breakfast and water and its back... if you arent going to cut out the pasta/breads/fries etc. i wouldnt bother fucking with walking/jogging unless you are being Heart conscious... or there is hot ass that walks around the area :thumbsup:

I need to lose weight or fat off my gut so I need to do some form of exercise. I can cut down my pasta portions and I don't eat a whole lot of bread. Usually on weekends.
There's Popeye's in Toronto!?!?!?!

Yes Pucky. I can go eat some for you later if you wish... There is one just up the street from where I am in T-dot. I probably won't though as I am also on a mission to lean up a bit myself. Chicken wings and fried chicken are two of my main nemesis-es. I am not big on pasta or bread but I can easily over-eat with rice and potatoes.

Apple Fast - I have done this and it is not a bad short term thing to try.

You actually begin the day before, by eating a light dinner, a salad or vegetables or rice. Don't "stock up" on food out of fear of being without the next day or you'll just be making it harder on yourself. And, if you're a coffee or caffeinated beverage drinker, cut those back as far as you can; you won't be drinking them during your fast.

Plan on 3-4 apples per day, organically grown if possible, and ripe, not green. Take time for your "meals": sit down, enjoy the apple, savor the taste, be quiet and notice your bodily reactions, chew slowly and well.

Drink at least 2 quarts of water throughout the day. It should be room temperature or warmer. You can add fresh lemon to the water if you like; it will help with cleansing and give you a little flavor. If you feel chilled or crave something warm (maybe because you're missing your coffee), gently warm the water.

Take it easy for the day, be kind to yourself. Take naps when and if you feel like it. Light exercise like stretching, walking or yoga are good. It's a good time to read something inspirational, but stay away from reading that takes you away from yourself, or wraps you in complex plots, or is at all stress provoking.

There's no need for enemas, you can leave the bowels alone. If you want, you can add a psyllium husk cleanse to your routine by adding 1-2 tablespoons of natural psyllium (available in most pharmacies, even Wal-Mart, in the laxative section) to one of your glasses of water. Do this once per day. This will aid in your bowel movements and will absorb and help eliminate any stagnant material in the bowels. Or you can wait til after you've broken your fast to take the psyllium.

The day you break your fast, ease into food a bit slowly. Perhaps some other fruit besides apples for breakfast and salad or soaked brown rice and vegetables for lunch, and then normal eating after that if it was a one day fruit fast.
For a three day fast, continue eating lightly throughout that fourth day, only resuming normal foods around midday to evening of the fifth day. Once you've returned to normal foods, continue to be aware of what you're choosing to eat and why.
What pills help burn fat in the belly? Help me out Rayzor Ray!!!

i drink Hydroxycut when ditching weight... they say to drink 1 pouch before each big meal, but i just drink one before breakfast....has caffeine, so it replaces coffee... then, if i feel like it, ill drink one before dinner... they also make pills to take...either or...but the drink is tasty as a motherfukker :yes:
There's Popeye's in Toronto!?!?!?!

I have been requested by my older brother to buy two big boxes of Popeye's chicken, cole slaw and biscuits and deliver them up to the Ottawa area from Toronto. I have an icy cold cooler ready to go and I read online that you can freeze fried chicken and it heats up quite well. Who knew ?

My brother looked into how much it would cost to get a franchise and they started at over $1 000 000 USD.... Seems a bit much as far as I am concerned.
