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gonna lose weight the only way I know how

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Wife and I occasionally institute one of these workout challenges to motivate physical fitness and general healthy living. I recently peaked at my all time high weight and i'd love to shed a couple lbs, tone it up a little and give the ole ticker a tune-up.

From now until New Years you must workout 4 times a week. You may workout twice in a day. Workouts are defined minimally, really any 20 minute activity where you might break a sweat (or 4 miles of extraneous walking). After New Years it's 5 times a week with only one double permitted per week and no more than 2 consecutive days w/o working out. Each week you fail to perform you lose money off your discretionary budget for the month and the person who fails the least at the end of the challenge (Feb or Mar, not sure yet) gets to plan our next vacation - carte blanch no holds (read: $$) barred.
i hate this time of year (really starting jan.)... so many assholes like boner and his wife (im just kidding bone...just an ex.)prance around the gym without a single fucking clue... taking up space, sitting on machines and wasting time surfing facebook and shit while serious people wait on the weights and machines... ill have to program my body to get in there before the sun comes up so i dont have to deal with this shit.
As long as the pants fit no need to lose weight. My weight flactuates based on my appetite.

I love spaghetti. Absolutely love it. I will make a massive batch on a sunday and eat it for 5 days. For several years I was eating whole wheat pasta which took a while to get used to, but I switched back to the reg pasta which made me slam on a few lbs. I walked them off, but pasta makes my weight fluctuate. big time.
Boys, it's 80% what you eat and 20% cardio/resistance training.

Have Paleo meals delivered to your home.

You're welcome.

some buddies of mine, that own the big local mma league in our area, have branched out into food... https://www.facebook.com/UltimateFoods ... all clean meals, labeled with all the cal/pro/fat ...a lot of these places starting up these days... i have enough time to make my own food, but apparently, they are doing really well with their 2 stores...anyone can go and get a meal out of their big fridges , but i think they sell 5 days of food (3 meals and 1-2 snacks a day) for less than 100 bucks ... im not big on having cooked food in the fridge for 5 days, but i guess it works for some...