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go wall street protest

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Good post at Peeps today:

Will Race For Food 11:34 AM Today
I went to one. Half the people were homeless, a quarter were illegals.

They cost the city by me well over $1million,

the typical OWS protester lives in the top 1% of worldwide humanity and the top 99.9999999% of historical humanity, they are not victims-in fact the opposite is the truth-most of the rest of the world is being victimized by them. Turning the US government into the largest consumer, employer, lender, borrower, landlord and tenant has artificially made everything on the planet more expensive for everyone. Trillions in stimulus that sent food and gas to record prices while global wages declined starves the third world more effectively than most other perils.

but that is not enough and they call others greedy.
[Reply] [!!]

the protest is not in support of starving third world countries. The protest is in direct opposition of a system that assures poverty. Amazing how right wing reactionaries can turn everything exactly upside down. :clueless:
illegals dont have time to protest, they are working.

lazy fuks protest. not that i disagree with some of their issues, it just that times suck for everyone i got kids to feed cant go camp in a park.

:yes: those that can do. You're not gonna see me camping either. However, I like seeing young people getting involved, fighting for justice and human rights. Instead of standing with "$5 pizza here" sign in front of a fast food joint.
snippet from an email I recieved:

nearly one-half of all adults do not pay any taxes and, in fact, most of them receive money from the government.
These people do not want to "shake the boat" to do anything to stop the flow of taxpayer money to themselves.

It's believed the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
Time's Person of the Year: 'The Protester'

