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go wall street protest

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I'm tired of this movement. I think I'm just late coming around here. But this "movement" consists mainly of unemployed, young 20 somethings that have time the time to camp out indefinitely at local parks. From the ones I've talked to and seen on the news, they're not very well informed or organized. I no longer am a supporter.
I'm tired of this movement. I think I'm just late coming around here. But this "movement" consists mainly of unemployed, young 20 somethings that have time the time to camp out indefinitely at local parks. From the ones I've talked to and seen on the news, they're not very well informed or organized. I no longer am a supporter.

well as long as you're not tired of endless war, exploitation, for profit medicine, poverty, slavery, etc :dunno:
well as long as you're not tired of endless war, exploitation, for profit medicine, poverty, slavery, etc :dunno:

Can't I be tired of all of them? RC, do you really think the occupy movement is accomplishing anything more than being a nuisance to cities, burden to tax payers and an occasional headline story?

It's really fizzled out. Initially I gave them the benefit of the doubt for being disorganized and not really having a message because I thought they were just figuring things out. But they never got their shit together because the people involved don't have the first clue about politics and economics. They're just there because it's something fun to do and possibly because they don't have a job so they're protesting about being jobless, instead of handing out resumes.

They're protesting the 1% that are paying billions in taxes and providing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of jobs while they're camping out in parks costing tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
you can be tired all you want, but you're not helping if you oppose those who try to do something about it.
Can't I be tired of all of them? RC, do you really think the occupy movement is accomplishing anything

yes, it's accomplished a lot. If you don't know what re-read thread.

They're protesting the 1% that are paying billions in taxes and providing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of jobs while they're camping out in parks costing tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

for one they showed this kind of bs logic is no longer acceptable. If I can steal a billion I'll be happy to pay a million back in taxes.
So what if the elites make more, they are taking the risk. The only jobs created the last 10+ years are service or government oriented, at the expense of manufacturing. Not a good trade off IMO. Government keeps taxing corps so try go overseas. Michigan taxes the heck out of small business to cowtow to th unions. Obama should like that, he's very pro-union.
At least their marketing division is on their toes. A pic of the Mall/Capitol as it really looks (frozen tundra) in the middle of Jan, isn't gonna drum up much business.

Anyone setting an o/u on the total turnout?

Good post at Peeps today:

Will Race For Food 11:34 AM Today
I went to one. Half the people were homeless, a quarter were illegals.

They cost the city by me well over $1million,

the typical OWS protester lives in the top 1% of worldwide humanity and the top 99.9999999% of historical humanity, they are not victims-in fact the opposite is the truth-most of the rest of the world is being victimized by them. Turning the US government into the largest consumer, employer, lender, borrower, landlord and tenant has artificially made everything on the planet more expensive for everyone. Trillions in stimulus that sent food and gas to record prices while global wages declined starves the third world more effectively than most other perils.

but that is not enough and they call others greedy.
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